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Pollster Claims Harris and Trump Debate ‘Will Be Everything’

A Republican pollster has stated that the upcoming debate between Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris will play a crucial role in shaping the landscape for the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Frank Luntz shared his insights on CNN about what remains for the candidates to achieve in the days leading up to the election.

“The debate is everything,” Luntz proclaimed, emphasizing its significance.

When pressed by CNN anchor John Berman for further elaboration, Luntz reiterated, “Everything.” He explained that when voters watch the candidates side by side, they pay attention not just to the spoken answers, but also to nonverbal cues, such as body language. He noted factors like whether candidates display contempt, how they engage with each other, and whether they present themselves in a presidential manner.

Vice President Kamala Harris and former president Donald Trump will face off in their first presidential campaign debate on September 10 on ABC. Republican pollster Frank Luntz said the debate would be ‘everything’ for the candidates’ campaigns (REUTERS)

The highly anticipated debate is set to occur on September 10 in Philadelphia. However, some controversy has emerged regarding the debate rules, particularly concerning the use of microphones. The two campaigns have clashed over whether microphones should remain active throughout the debate. The Harris campaign advocates for live microphones during the entire event, breaking from previous debate formats.

According to the Associated Press, a senior Trump official revealed the debate rules, which indicate that there will be no live audience and no written notes. Additionally, the microphones would be muted while the other candidate is speaking.

The Harris campaign has stated they are still negotiating the microphone issue with ABC. Harris spokesman Ian Sams commented to the AP, “It’s interesting that Trump’s handlers keep insisting on muting him, despite the candidate himself saying the opposite. Why won’t they just do what the candidate wants?”

If the microphones remain active, it could allow Trump to interrupt Harris more easily, potentially disrupting the flow of the debate. Luntz noted this potential dynamic during his CNN appearance, questioning whether Trump could restrain himself from interrupting. “For Trump, can he keep quiet? Can he actually listen to a response, or does he have to respond to everything?” he asked.

He also pointed out the implications for Harris, asking whether she would come across as open-minded and receptive to new information, rather than solely projecting her viewpoints.

Recently, Trump expressed indifference regarding the microphone situation, while also criticizing ABC News. His comments illustrated the different strategies each candidate might adopt during the debate. Luntz highlighted that both candidates have unique goals for this critical encounter. He emphasized, “Each one, in the end, has to prove that they’re ready, not just for that moment, but voters are thinking, ‘who do I want to represent me two years from now, three or four years from now?’”

For Harris, the stakes are equally high. Luntz pointed out that she must demonstrate her growth and readiness since her 2020 Democratic primary debate, which was not well-received. “She has to prove she has the capability to do it,” he noted. Furthermore, he stressed that Trump must avoid treating her “rudely” or “obnoxiously,” pointing to the lost support from female voters in 2020 who would have chosen him for his policies but were turned off by his demeanor.

The imminent debate is shaping up to be a pivotal moment, as both candidates prepare to face off in front of voters who are ultimately making the decision about whom they want to lead the nation.

Source: CNN