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Pope Francis in Papua New Guinea Engages with Catholic Church’s Peripheries

Pope Francis recently embarked on a significant journey to Papua New Guinea, flying over its lush jungles aboard an Australian Royal Air Force C-130. The purpose of his visit was to engage with communities that he refers to as the “peripheries” of the Catholic Church.

Upon arrival in the remote settlement of Vanimo, the Pope was greeted with enthusiasm and traditional performances. Addressing a crowd of approximately 20,000, he expressed admiration for the missionaries dedicated to serving this isolated region. Many local communities rely on these missionaries for essential services such as healthcare, education, and access to basic utilities like running water and electricity.

“You are doing something beautiful, and it is important that you are not left alone,” he said, underscoring the vital role of missionaries in these areas.

The Pope also arrived bearing close to a ton of humanitarian supplies, including medicine and toys for the children. As a gesture of appreciation, he was presented with a traditional feathered headdress, which he wore during part of the event.

During his visit, the Pope met with a group of missionaries from Argentina, among them Father Miguel de la Calle, who shared that many people had traveled considerable distances to attend the gathering. “People are coming from all over — from the jungle, the mountains, from Indonesia across the border, from other provinces,” Father de la Calle noted, highlighting the dedication of those who made the trek.

Earlier that day, Pope Francis had held a mass in Port Moresby, addressing a crowd of around 35,000 people in a packed stadium. “Brothers and sisters, you who live on this large island in the Pacific Ocean may sometimes have thought of yourselves as a faraway and distant land, situated at the edge of the world,” he remarked. “Today the Lord wants to draw near to you, to break down distances,” reinforcing his message of closeness and community.

This visit marks a milestone in Pope Francis’s papacy, as it involves the most extensive trip he has undertaken, spanning 12 days and covering four countries across two continents. The theme of religious harmony was central to the Pope’s address during this first leg of his journey.

The Pope’s itinerary continues with his next destination being Timor-Leste, a nation where over 97% of the population identifies as Catholic. This upcoming stop reflects his ongoing commitment to engaging with Catholics and promoting unity among different faiths in the region.

In a world often marked by division, Pope Francis’s outreach efforts aim to bridge gaps and foster connections between diverse communities. The warmth of the reception he received in Papua New Guinea and the enthusiasm expressed by local residents underline the significance of his message and mission.

Through his travels, the Pope seeks to reinforce the importance of community, compassion, and service, emphasizing that even the most distant places are integral to the larger narrative of the Church.

Overall, Pope Francis’s visit to Papua New Guinea is a reaffirmation of his commitment to serving those on the fringes and advocating for meaningful connections across cultural and geographical divides.

Source: ABC News