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Protesters Gather in Chicago for Gaza and Abortion Rights Ahead of Convention

Protesters gather in Chicago to express their views on various social issues ahead of the Democratic National Convention. Photograph: Marco Bello/Reuters

As Chicago prepares to welcome thousands of Democratic delegates, party officials, and elected leaders for the Democratic National Convention (DNC), a significant number of protesters have taken to the streets, particularly along Michigan Avenue. On Sunday evening, a demonstration of up to 1,000 individuals gathered at the intersection of Wacker Drive and Michigan Avenue, marking the first of several planned protests during the week.

The march brought together advocates for Palestinian rights and abortion rights, signaling a broader call for justice. Organized by groups such as Bodies Against Unjust Laws, the protest was characterized by calls to “Disrupt the DNC,” with activists asserting that U.S. support for Israel amid the Gaza conflict equates to genocide. They expressed a belief that the Democratic party, in its current form, is no different from the Republican party and unworthy of support.

Protest leader Linda Loew articulated the sentiment of many in attendance, stating, “The rhetoric from politicians—whether regarding reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ rights, or the plight of citizens in Gaza—does not halt the violence or bring the needed care.” Loew emphasized the urgency for meaningful action, urging an end to U.S. funding of Israel and the supply of weapons.

The discontent among the protesters extended to the potential candidates for the 2024 election. Some voiced skepticism about the distinctions between Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, with Megan Behrent, a professor from New York, suggesting that both candidates appear similarly aligned on critical issues. “It seems pointless to choose between the two, leading me to consider a third-party vote,” she remarked.

Behrent also reflected on the election cycle’s dynamics, noting the tendency to resort to the lesser evil voting strategy as the election nears. She added, “While Trump poses serious threats, it’s crucial to maintain an independent organizing voice and highlight the urgent issues at stake.”

Andy Thayer, a prominent activist with Bodies Outside of Unjust Laws and the Coalition for Reproductive Justice, shared insights into the legal logistics of the protest. He revealed that the group applied for their protest permit on January 2, only to face delays from the city that stretched over eight months.

On the periphery of the gathering, Chicago City Alderman Ronnie Mosley mingled with police officers and described the protest as a form of free speech that Chicago can accommodate. His remarks aligned with a broader acceptance of the demonstration as part of the democratic process.

Amid the energized atmosphere, protesters chanted slogans advocating for Palestinian liberation, including the term “Intifada,” which means uprising or rebellion. This term has historical significance, referencing violent episodes in Israel and the occupied territories during the late 20th century.

Loew pointed out that the aim of the protests is to resonate with all American citizens, especially those preparing to cast their votes in the upcoming election. “While voting is vital—something we fought hard to secure—we must recognize that relying solely on politicians from either party to guarantee our rights has never been effective,” she stated.

Protesters emphasized that true change cannot be achieved through ballots alone. The call for a comprehensive approach to advocacy is central to their message, reflecting the belief that sustained grassroots efforts are essential in the fight for rights, whether it concerns civil liberties, opposition to military actions, or access to reproductive health care.

The protests reflect a growing sentiment among activists who feel that their calls for justice and change have not yet been adequately addressed by the political establishment. As the DNC unfolds, anticipation mounts for further demonstrations that will continue to challenge the status quo and provoke discussion on crucial issues facing the nation today.

Source: Reuters