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Proud Elderly Father Spruces Up Garden for Daughter to Share on Instagram

When Grainne Gallanagh visits her Irish dad, he often has a small favor to ask. He takes immense pride in his enormous hydrangea bush and eagerly wanted his daughter to share a picture of it on “The Instagram.” Grainne, a public figure based in Perth, Australia, with a presence on TikTok and Instagram, was happy to oblige. To prepare for the photo session, her father even tidied up the area around his beautiful garden.

Hydrangeas are versatile plants that can be potted, grown as vines, or pruned to become trees. Most frequently, they are showcased as shrubs or bushes. These ornate plants can grow up to 20 feet tall and 15 feet wide, and they require a spacious area due to their spreading nature. In her father’s garden, the blue hydrangea stands impressively tall, towering over him and spanning wider than the camera’s frame.

Once the garden was prepped, her father’s wish came true. Grainne posted a series of photos on Instagram, showcasing the grandiose sight. Standing proudly in front of the hydrangea, her beaming father is nothing short of handsome.
Image from Instagram.

The photo session wouldn’t have been complete without a picture of both father and daughter in the garden. In a beautiful, matching dress, Grainne’s radiant smile competes gracefully with the hydrangeas. It’s a tough call, but the flowers still manage to hold their own.
Image from Instagram.

Grainne wasn’t the only visitor that day. Her father also got to hold one of the grandbabies in front of the bush. Fans would have appreciated a picture of “Aunt Grainne” with the baby as well, but if such a photo was taken during this visit, it wasn’t posted. Nonetheless, the baby clearly enjoys being with their grandpa!
Image from Instagram.

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Source: InspireMore