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Putin’s ally displays machine-gun-equipped Tesla Cybertruck for Ukraine use

A screenshot from a video shared by Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of Russia’s Chechnya region, on Telegram.

Ramzan Kadyrov, the leader of Russia’s Chechnya region, has made headlines once again by sharing a video on Saturday that features him behind the wheel of a Tesla Cybertruck. The vehicle, however, is not your typical electric truck; it appears to be armed with what looks like a machine gun mounted on top.

In his post on Telegram, Kadyrov expressed admiration for both the Cybertruck and its CEO, Elon Musk. He hinted that this innovative vehicle may soon be utilized in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Kadyrov stated, “We received a Tesla Cybertruck from the esteemed Elon Musk. I was pleased to test this new technology and personally witnessed why it’s rightfully called the ‘Cyberbeast.'” He seemed enthusiastic about the vehicle’s capabilities.

The Chechen leader went on to declare that the Cybertruck would be dispatched to what he termed the “SVO zone”—a reference to the “special military operation” in Ukraine. He asserted, “I am confident that this ‘beast’ will greatly benefit our soldiers.” The implications of his words suggest that Kadyrov intends for the vehicle to serve a practical purpose in the conflict.

As of now, Tesla has not responded to requests for comments from media outlets regarding Kadyrov’s statements, despite reaching out outside of normal business hours. The silence from Tesla has led to further speculation about the company’s stance on the use of their vehicles in military operations.

Kadyrov, who has been in power since 2007 and is known for his allegiance to Russian President Vladimir Putin, has a reputation for being a savvy user of social media. His public persona often includes various high-profile publicity stunts. For instance, he gained attention for organizing a soccer match against the legendary Diego Maradona and even invited actress Hilary Swank to his birthday celebrations.

The Chechen leader’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict is notable, as he has reportedly sent a significant number of fighters to boost Russia’s military efforts. In statements made earlier this year, Kadyrov claimed that 43,500 Chechen soldiers had already participated in the conflict, highlighting his commitment to supporting the Russian military operations.

While his recent video may seem like a personal promotion of a high-tech gadget, it also raises questions regarding the increasing militarization of technology and the vehicle’s potential use in ongoing warfare. His eagerness to incorporate such modern equipment underscores a blending of advanced technology with military strategies in contemporary conflict scenarios.

Many observers are concerned about the implications of using civilian vehicles in armed conflicts, especially those equipped with weaponry. The image of a Tesla Cybertruck on the battlefield symbolizes a troubling trend where advanced consumer technologies might be turned into instruments of war.

The world continues to watch as Kadyrov’s actions unfold, given his prominent role in supporting Russia’s military aims in Ukraine. This incident serves as a reminder of the complex interplay between technology, politics, and warfare in today’s global landscape.

As the situation develops, it remains to be seen how such military endorsements of civilian technology will influence perceptions of companies like Tesla and their products amid ongoing conflicts.

Source: Business Insider