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Queen’s Brian May Has Minor Stroke, Experiences Arm ‘Loss of Control’

On Wednesday, Brian May, the iconic guitarist of Queen, shared some concerning news about his health. The respected British musician took to his website to inform fans that he recently experienced a “minor stroke,” referring to it as a “health hiccup.” Despite this alarming incident, May was eager to provide some positive news to his supporters.

“The good news is that I can play guitar after the events of the last few days,” May stated, emphasizing that there was uncertainty surrounding his ability to play following the incident. He explained that this health issue occurred about a week prior to his announcement.

In the midst of discussing his health, May also touched on the recent release of his BBC documentary titled “Brian May: The Badgers, the Farmers and Me.” During this time, he emphasized the importance of awareness regarding strokes, particularly as May coincided his revelation with Stroke Awareness Month. The urgency of recognizing stroke warning signs is critical, as such incidents can occur unexpectedly.

Brian May’s recent health update comes alongside the release of his documentary airing on Aug. 23. This film chronicles May’s years-long public battle against the badger culling in England, which is linked to Bovine Tuberculosis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identifies this disease as primarily affecting cattle, but it can also be found in other wildlife such as bison, elk, and deer. The ongoing cull in the UK remains a subject of considerable debate and controversy.

Throughout his advocacy, May has not shied away from confronting skepticism regarding his motivations. He emphasized during the documentary, “I understand why people might initially question me. After all, I’m just a guitarist—a rock star. What could I possibly contribute?” Yet, he passionately clarified how his fight for the badgers has evolved into a broader mission.

“To truly save the badgers, I’ve come to understand that we must also protect the people involved,” he remarked. “It’s a tragic human story—one that leads to heartbreak for many.” May’s reflection showcases his determination to highlight the interconnectedness of wildlife welfare and human concerns.

As he navigates his health challenges, his commitment to both music and advocacy remains steadfast. Fans worldwide are rooting for his recovery, inspired not only by his talent but also by his relentless pursuit of justice for animals.

Source: USA Today