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Rachel Bilson Discusses Co-parenting Experience With Hayden Christensen

Rachel Bilson has always been comfortable discussing topics that might make others squirm, likely due to her mother Janice’s career as a sex therapist.

In an interview with Yahoo! Life’s The Unwind series in July, Bilson shared, “Growing up in a household that was so sex-positive and free and candid… definitely made me more obviously open to talking about things. These are the things women go through, and there’s nothing connected to it that feels like, ‘Oh, I shouldn’t be talking about this.'”

This openness led Bilson, in 2022, to launch the Broad Ideas podcast with Olivia Allen, her best friend of 25 years. The podcast features a range of guests who discuss diverse topics such as sex, infidelity, and mental health, all without filters or pretense.

Bilson expressed her desire for authenticity during an E! News interview, explaining, “I’m a little more unhinged, but it’s nice to be able to feel free with it. Authentic is the better word, and I think people are craving it more than ever.”

She also aimed to create a “safe space” for women to share their experiences, likening the podcast to a weekly gathering among “true friends” who don’t judge one another.

“It’s just having these soul sisters that you can go through everything with, who have been there through everything, and will never judge you,” Bilson remarked. “It just felt like my best friends and I are always having these conversations, why not make that the norm?”

Source: Yahoo! Life, E! News