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Rachel Bloom’s ‘Death, Let Me Do My Show’ Coming to Netflix

Rachel Bloom’s one-woman stage show Death, Let Me Do My Show is set to arrive on Netflix in early fall.

Bloom is currently performing the show at the Williamstown Theater Festival at Williams College in Massachusetts and plans to film the July 12 and July 13 performances. The production opened on July 5 and will run until July 14.

The creation of Death, Let Me Do My Show comes with a poignant backstory. Bloom, who co-created and starred in the musical TV series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, initially wrote a musical stand-up show in 2019, intending to tour in 2020. However, the pandemic disrupted her plans.

Shortly after Bloom gave birth to her daughter in March 2020, she was struck by the tragic loss of her friend and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend songwriting partner, Adam Schlesinger, who passed away from COVID-19.

This compelled Bloom to alter the focus of her show. Initially hesitant to confront the recent years’ traumas, she eventually incorporated the grief of Schlesinger’s death and other personal challenges into the production. Yet, it retains Bloom’s signature style of blending humor with original songs.

“When I was going through this, the thing that saved me was silly things, watching funny movies, reading silly books. It helped me. There used to be a whole part in the show about how death hates comedy because comedy makes you forget death is coming,” Bloom shared in an interview with THR in September 2023.

Directed by Seth Barrish, the show has been featured Off-Broadway in New York, in London, Los Angeles, and Chicago, as well as other cities across the U.S. Additionally, Bloom performed it at the Netflix is a Joke Festival in Los Angeles in early May.

Source: THR