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Rapper Milo Denies Assault and Child Abuse Claims by Daughter’s Mother

Rapper Rory Ferreira, known for his stage names R.A.P. Ferreira, Milo, and Scallops Hotel, made a public response to accusations of domestic violence last Saturday. This followed Chloe “Mekah” Stingley’s crowdfunding campaign aimed at covering legal and travel expenses in her battle against Ferreira. In his Instagram video, Ferreira firmly denied all allegations.

“Some private matters have been made public, and I need to address them,” began Ferreira. His tone was serious as he sat against a blank wall, reading from a script that he noted was lawyer-approved. Ferreira recounted helping Stingley move to Nashville, Tennessee, last April to escape abusive relationships. She resided in a rented home with her son from a previous relationship, the daughter she shares with Ferreira, and Ferreira’s other partner and children, while Ferreira himself lived elsewhere.

Ferreira claimed that Stingley vanished with their daughter in November, cutting off all communication just after he had a child with his other partner earlier that month. “To be clear, Mekah and I were never married and never in a one-to-one monogamous relationship,” he stressed, explaining the legal steps he took to find Stingley and establish custody arrangements. To his surprise, Stingley had filed an abuse report with Tennessee’s Department of Children’s Services (DCS) against him.

“I didn’t know about this report until we had her served,” Ferreira stated, adding that subsequent investigations by DCS and the police found the claims to be unfounded and closed the case. Although the court arranged a visitation schedule, Ferreira accused Stingley of not adhering to it, noting that she had claimed their one-year-old daughter was sexually abused. Meanwhile, Stingley was seen on social media dancing in a club in Milwaukee, far from their planned meeting place for the child exchange.

Ferreira continued his efforts to gain custody of his daughter, and remarked that they were reunited just last week when DCS and the sheriff’s department removed her from Stingley’s care and placed her with him. “I immediately brought my daughter to her lifelong pediatrician, who examined her, and her professional opinion is that my child is totally fine,” Ferreira stated.

Ferreira emphasized, “To be clear, I have never sexually assaulted anyone. I have never assaulted any woman or child. There is no evidence showing otherwise.” He implicated Stingley’s non-compliance with court orders and false retaliatory claims as the reasons the authorities removed their child from her care. “Our litigation is still pending, and I ask all concerned parties to postpone their judgement until the courts do. Thank you,” he concluded.

Stingley’s crowdfunding campaign mirrors Ferreira’s narrative in several key events, but the details and allegations diverge significantly. Stingley is attempting to raise $22,000 for legal fees and travel costs for her cases in Nashville and North Carolina. She disclosed there is an emergency hearing in Nashville on July 12.

Stingley did not mention Ferreira’s other partner or children in her campaign but explained that she fled Nashville in November out of fear for her and her children’s safety. She also highlighted that their daughter is still breastfed, making the separation particularly painful. Stingley accused Ferreira of “unlawfully imprisoning me, along with verbal, financial and sexual abuse.” She further claimed Ferreira physically assaulted her son and sexually assaulted her, but omitted any mention of sexual abuse towards their infant daughter.

At the time of writing, Stingley has raised over $9,000. The comments on Ferreira’s Instagram post remain divided and contentious, with fans unsure which side to believe. Some referenced Reddit posts where users claiming to be Ferreira’s exes made other accusations against him. For now, the case’s future remains uncertain, with social media viewers left to speculate.

Source: Pop Culture, Instagram