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Recap of The Bachelorette Season 21 Finale

SPOILER ALERT! This post contains details from the finale of The Bachelorette.

The moment has finally arrived for Jenn Tran to wrap up her journey on The Bachelorette, and ABC made it clear from the beginning that it would be a finale to remember.

“Something that has simply never happened on this show happens tonight,” host Jesse Palmer teased at the episode’s opening. “Here’s a spoiler for you. It will.”

Buckle up for the three-hour finale with plenty of ground to cover.

Jenn is in Hawai’i, preparing for an engagement. First, she reconnects with her family after a few months apart to get their take on her relationships with Devin and Marcus. She’s in love with both, but only Devin has expressed those feelings in return. Naturally, her family is skeptical but eager to meet both men to see if either would be a good match for Jenn.

First up is Devin. He shares his background, growing up with a single mom and the strong bond he has with his family. Jenn’s mom comments that they might need more time to understand each other.

During a one-on-one with Jenn’s mom and aunt, Devin shares how seen and loved Jenn makes him feel, expressing his certainty that Jenn is his person. He asks for her mom’s blessing for a proposal, but struggles with the idea of not being engaged to Jenn.

Jenn confides to her mom that she feels comfortable with Devin. Despite her mom’s concerns over whether Devin would embrace Vietnamese culture, Jenn is confident he would. Nonetheless, her mom thinks more understanding is needed between them.

Jenn’s brother, protective as ever, is also unsure about Devin but acknowledges their compatible family dynamics. He agrees to support Jenn’s decision but plans to scrutinize Marcus as well.

Devin’s talk with Jenn’s brother includes concerns about Marcus still being in the picture and Jenn’s past struggle with vulnerability. Devin seeks the brother’s blessing but doesn’t get it, pending a discussion with Marcus.

This makes Devin slightly insecure, but he’s determined to stay positive, understanding the family’s reservations.

Next, the family meets Marcus. Jenn’s brother worries about Jenn’s history with emotionally unavailable men and Marcus not yet professing love. Jenn is hopeful Marcus has had time to reevaluate his feelings.

Marcus, aware of the family’s potential reservations, shares his experience of growing up in the foster care system and a near-death military experience, highlighting his commitment to fighting for love. Jenn’s brother appreciates Marcus’ background but needs more clarity on his relationship with Jenn.

Marcus explains that his tough life experiences have made emotional expression challenging. Jenn’s brother questions if Marcus can overcome this in time. Marcus believes Jenn has helped him grow, realizing he’s capable of true love.

Still, Jenn’s brother remains skeptical, and during a relentless line of questioning from Jenn’s mom and aunt, Marcus confesses he’s not yet ready for engagement, worrying them.

Jenn, seeking advice from her brother, learns he shares her concerns about Marcus fitting the mold of her past relationships. Jenn is hopeful but anxious.

By the end of their family time, Jenn realizes she needs more definitive answers from Marcus. Their conversation leaves her confused and disappointed, with Marcus admitting uncertainty about a proposal but wanting to keep trying.

Before any engagement decisions, Jenn has final dates with both men. First up is Devin. They participate in a Hawaiian spiritual ceremony to address their fears. Devin fears self-sabotage; Jenn fears abandonment. They decide to support each other through these fears.

The dinner portion of their date goes well, with Devin agreeing to trust Jenn. The next morning, Jenn feels confused about Marcus, knowing where things stand with Devin but not with Marcus.

Marcus, still conflicted after meeting Jenn’s family, catches up with Jesse, expressing doubts but acknowledging progress in his connection with Jenn. Jesse advises him to be honest about his feelings.

Jenn, ready for difficult questions, goes to Marcus’ hotel room seeking clarity on their future. Marcus admits fear and struggle but insists he cares deeply for her.

Emotional and conflicted, Marcus eventually tells Jenn he loves her and wants to fight for their relationship, but Jenn, feeling too much effort has been one-sided, decides it’s time to end things.

In the studio, Marcus watches the breakup unfold, admitting it was a painful yet necessary realization. When they face each other on stage, they agree their relationship had meaning but ultimately wasn’t right.

Back in Hawai’i, Jenn, still hurting from sending Marcus home, contemplates her future with Devin. She decides she wants to propose to Devin instead of waiting for his proposal.

However, a twist comes as Jenn, emotional on stage, reveals a change in their relationship post-Hawai’i. Devin had become distant, leading to a breakup over the phone where he confessed losing his feelings.

In a tense on-stage conversation, Jenn confronts Devin about his actions post-breakup, including following other women on social media promptly after ending things. Devin admits faults but insists his feelings were genuine, though Jenn struggles to believe him.

As the engagement footage plays, Jenn is emotional, reflecting on the hopeful moment turned bittersweet.

In conclusion, Jenn emphasizes that love requires care and commitment, expressing her readiness to find someone who cherishes her.

Source: Source names