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Remember This Music Video by the Dallas Cowboys Football Team?

We know the Dallas Cowboys might be the top NFL team for Texas. For years they’ve been called “America’s Team”, but during the 1986 Christmas season, they gave us a forgotten musical gem.

What did the Cowboys give the world? A music video. Yes, a music video they themselves produced. And it absolutely reeks of 80’s cheese.

The Dallas Cowboys recorded a music video called “Living the American Dream.”

Now before we watch this together, a few things we should know:

One: The video has a ton of stuff you’d expect from the 80s; the bright colors, the “unique” graphics, screen edits, and visuals. You can see it in the fashion and the landscape of Texas in the video.

Two: While these players are very talented on the field, not everyone sounds amazing. Some of the players could pass as decent singers, but don’t expect any professional-sounding singing.

Three: This song is an infectious earworm. Ever since I first heard it, I can’t get the sound of the Cowboy players chanting “WE…ARE…living the American dream!” out of my head, no matter how hard I try.

So without further ado, here are the Dallas Cowboys singing for your listening pleasure.

Yeah, you can definitely tell this was a result after the Chicago Bears released “The Super Bowl Shuffle” in 1985; the team obviously wanted to do this to show the world how tough and competitive they were. And let’s not forget they wanted to show their patriotism since they are “America’s Team.”

So, did the music video work? Well, no, not really. The Cowboys finished off that same season with a 7-9 record and missed the playoffs. It was a valiant attempt to hype up the team, but it didn’t work at the time. The Cowboys would go on to win three more Super Bowls in the ’90s in 1992, 1993, and 1995. Maybe they should’ve waited a few years to do a music video.

Today, the official music videos for the Dallas Cowboys are done by other artists, not the players themselves. But that’s a shame honestly. Who wouldn’t want to see Dak Prescott, CeeDee Lamb, or Micah Parsons recreate this 80’s goodness today and have more earworms infect the rest of the world? Just a thought.

Source: East Texas Sports Network