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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Rent Norman Mailer’s Brooklyn Heights Apartment

Norman Mailer on “Apostrophes” in 1980. Jean-Claude FRANCOLON/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

At a time when the legacies of numerous acclaimed writers are being scrutinized for their actions, Norman Mailer remains a particularly contentious figure. Much of this stems from the notorious incident in 1960 when Mailer stabbed his wife, Adele Morales. This, however, is not the only controversial aspect of Mailer’s history. The debates concerning his legacy intensified in 2022 when Penguin Random House decided against publishing a posthumous collection of his writings.

Nevertheless, Mailer’s life and work continue to spark frequent discussion. This time, an intriguing facet of his legacy has resurfaced: his approach to real estate. Adriane Quinlan of Curbed reports that Mailer’s former residence on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade is now available for rent at $13,000 per month.

According to Quinlan, Mailer initially purchased the entire brownstone but later sold off the lower floors, opting to keep the top portion for himself. This decision was driven by his wish to write with a view while also attempting to manage his vertigo. The current owner of the property has decided to retain the writing studio but is renting out the upper floors. Quinlan also mentioned that an earlier attempt to rent the apartment for $8,500 was met with significant interest, prompting the increase in price this time around.

The listing for Mailer’s old apartment highlights its various amenities, including two bedrooms, two half baths, and one full bathroom. Additionally, the building holds landmark status. If the accompanying photographs are any indication, the views from the apartment are indeed stunning. Whether these features are sufficient to outweigh the darker aspects of Mailer’s history remains uncertain, but there appears to be no shortage of interested parties willing to occupy the space.

The legacy of Norman Mailer continues to be a point of contention, particularly given the more unsavory episodes of his personal life. Yet, the allure of living in a space once occupied by a literary giant persists, especially when the views and historical significance are taken into account.

Source: Curbed, Getty Images