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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s Daughter Aims to Complete Mother’s Term

Harris delivers eulogy for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee 14:15

Washington — Following the passing of former Representative Sheila Jackson Lee, her daughter has announced her candidacy to take over the Houston-area congressional seat left vacant by her mother.

Erica Lee Carter expressed her desire to continue her mother’s legacy, stating, “I want to finish for my mom,” in an official statement.

The former congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee, passed away at the age of 74 from pancreatic cancer. She had a significant impact in her role for nearly three decades, representing the 18th Congressional District of Texas.

In her statement, Lee Carter emphasized her commitment to the district, saying, “The people of the 18th Congressional District re-elected my mother to the 118th Congress to protect their interests and uphold our democratic values.” She noted that her mother’s focus on community needs remained strong until her last days.

While Lee Carter aims to serve out the remainder of her mother’s term, she clarified that she will not run for a full term. Earlier this month, she endorsed former Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner for that position.

The special election scheduled for November 5 will allow voters in Texas’ 18th Congressional District to decide not only who fills the current vacancy but also who will serve in the next Congress. Those interested in running for the position must file by August 22.

Democratic leaders within the district will convene on Tuesday to choose their nominee for the upcoming general election.

Erica Lee Carter hopes that if given the chance, she would honor her mother’s work. “Together, we will finish for my mom, the honorable Sheila Jackson Lee,” she noted, focusing on themes of justice, equality, and economic opportunity.

Lee Carter is prepared to carry forth her mother’s commitment to the community, with a promise of advocacy for healthcare, human rights, and equality for all citizens.

Her campaign is framed not just as a personal mission but as a pledge to the legacy of Sheila Jackson Lee, whom many remember for her spirited dedication to her constituents and significant contributions to legislative processes over the years.

As the special election dates approach, Carter’s announcement is met with a mix of support and anticipation from the community as they prepare to honor and continue the work of a beloved public servant.

Source: CBS News