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Review: The Lord of the Rings – The Rings of Power Season 2

All of the ingredients that made “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” Season 1 compelling are still here in the second season, often in greater quantities and expressed more intensely. The richness of the costumes, the expansive world, the surprising and satisfying action sequences, and the characters who charmed us in the early episodes all return. However, the shortcomings of the first season also persist and are, arguably, harder to ignore this time around.

The good news is that as the series expands and the stakes rise, creators J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay manage to conjure a vision of Middle-earth teetering on the edge of a major catastrophe. When the show’s various storylines work well together, they create an urgent sense that everything is on the line. It feels nearly impossible for all these narrative pieces to fall into place to save the world, but the characters’ relentless spirit keeps you engaged.

This exhilarating storytelling style only works part of the time, though. Much like the first season, “The Rings of Power” Season 2 suffers from uneven plotting and pacing, a flaw that is dialed up by the story’s added intensity. You might have characters discussing a secret weapon that could determine the fate of the world one moment, and the next, a ragtag group attempting to traverse a landscape. Sometimes these two narrative strands complement each other well, but other times, the latter feels flat and makes you yearn to return to the high-stakes drama.

Intrigues in one city might only be half as compelling as the schemes unfolding in another, and the creature work in the first sequence might feel more distracting than engaging. The aim is to create a world where both big and small stories have significance, mirroring J.R.R. Tolkien’s portrayal of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. However, the show often feels overstretched despite its considerable budget and lengthy runtime. You can’t help but feel that some stories would be better off being more concise.

Despite these drawbacks, if you’ve bought into the type of fantasy experience this show offers, there’s plenty to enjoy in the second season. Morfydd Clark delivers a fantastic performance, the monsters are impressive, and the overarching mythology, when it hits its stride, is genuinely captivating. Though “The Rings of Power” might never achieve the same magic as Tolkien’s original writing, its effort to strive for that level of enchantment sometimes makes all the difference.

“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” Season 2 premieres on August 29 on Prime Video.

Source: Prime Video