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RFK Jr.: Bobby Kennedy Was Everything You Aren’t—You’ve Betrayed His Legacy.

Bobby Jr., how could you? This question echoes among scholars of the Kennedy family, who find it hard to reconcile your current political stance with the deep values instilled by your father. Robert F. Kennedy Sr. dedicated his life to three fundamental principles: the Democratic Party, the Kennedy family legacy, and a steadfast belief in God. Yet, it seems you have turned away from all of them.

The astonishment surrounding your endorsement of a Republican for president, particularly someone like Donald Trump—who has insulted the Kennedy family as “a bunch of lunatics”—is palpable. It’s bewildering to witness how you’ve embraced this political figure, given how much you once cherished your father’s values.

Your childhood passion for the environment stands in stark contrast to your recent actions. Remember the red-tailed hawk you once adopted? You named her Morgan le Fay after a character from Arthurian legend and kept her in your bedroom. The family home in Hickory Hill, Virginia, was once a sanctuary for a remarkable array of animals, from raccoons and iguanas to homing pigeons and even a calf brought through customs from Kenya.

How do you reconcile this love for the environment—once evident in your work with the Waterkeeper Alliance—with your support for an ex-president who labeled climate change a “hoax”? Trump’s energy policies, which advocate for increased drilling, stand in direct opposition to the values you once championed.

Your recent political shift raises eyebrows. You have taken positions even more extreme than Trump himself, particularly in your views on vaccines, immigration, and foreign aid. Your stance against immigrants starkly contradicts the values espoused by your uncle, Jack Kennedy, who hailed immigrants as vital to this nation. And your advocacy for limiting aid to Ukrainians conflicts with the principles of freedom and democracy that your father vigorously defended.

Your current alliances have left many shocked, especially given your abandonment of a Democratic ticket that aligns closely with your father’s mission. Robert F. Kennedy Sr. campaigned as a champion for the underprivileged and a unifying figure during a time of division. His vision for America inspired multiple generations of leaders, including Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Robert F. Kennedy emphasized action for an ideal as a vital force for hope. “Each time a man stands up for an ideal,” he once said, “he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope.” As a presidential nominee, he remained a beacon of optimism during an age fraught with political mistrust. It’s challenging to reconcile that message of unity and progress with your current trajectory.

RFK Sr. transformed from a staunch cold warrior to an ardent liberal committed to building bridges across societal divides. In contrast, your recent rhetoric appears to resonate with division and polarizing views. This stark transformation has prompted your siblings to voice their disappointment, calling your endorsement of Trump a betrayal of your family’s values.

They expressed sadness over your actions, aligning themselves with your father’s ideals that once brought pride to the Kennedy name. The statement from your family emphasizes how your current choices are a departure from their shared history and principles.

The motivations behind your shift raise further questions. Are you seeking attention or validation in a way that puts you at odds with your family legacy? Your decision to align with controversial figures may stem from a desire to reclaim the spotlight that has shone brightly on your relatives, making you ponder if this new path will finally help you carve out your identity within the renowned legacy of the Kennedy name.

Regardless of your intentions, the effect of your choices is deeply saddening not just for your family, but for all who looked up to your father’s legacy as a source of hope and inspiration. The stark dichotomy between your current beliefs and those championed by Robert F. Kennedy Sr. serves as a somber reminder of how far the apple can fall from the tree.

Source: USA Today