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RFK Jr. Claims Trump Has ‘Changed as a Person’

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has recently emerged as a vocal supporter of former President Donald Trump. In a candid interview, Kennedy expressed his belief that Trump has undergone a significant transformation since his first term in office.

During his discussion on the “All In” podcast with Jason Calacanis, Kennedy stated, “If President Trump wins… people are going to see a very different President Trump than they did in the first term.” Having known Trump for over three decades, Kennedy feels confident in suggesting that the former president has changed as a person.

Kennedy elaborated on this perspective, indicating that Trump seems increasingly focused on his legacy. “He’s said many interesting things to me about what he did wrong the last time,” Kennedy remarked, highlighting the former president’s reflection on his past decisions.

The independent candidate also defended Trump against recent reports linking him to the Project 2025 initiative, launched this year by the Heritage Foundation. This extensive 900-page plan has drawn scrutiny due to its contributors, which include former members of Trump’s administration and his allies, leading critics like Vice President Kamala Harris to leverage it in their attacks against Trump.

In the interview, Kennedy recounted a conversation with Trump regarding these accusations. “He brought this issue up to me and he said, you know, ‘they always tell me I’m on for Project 2025. I never read Project 2025 until they started accusing me of it,’” Kennedy said. Trump reportedly described the author of the plan as “a right-wing a–hole,” illustrating his rejection of the agenda.

“I think he’s interested in his legacy now. He wants to leave behind some accomplishments and he wants to make our country better,” Kennedy continued. “And I think he’s, you know, he’s listening to a wider range of voices. He’s preparing to govern right now.”

These remarks come just a week after Kennedy suspended his campaign in key battleground states, aligning himself with Trump and appearing at a rally in support of the former president. Despite his endorsement, Kennedy confirmed that his name will remain on the ballot across various states.

In addition to his support, Trump has invited Kennedy, along with former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, to join his transition team. Gabbard recently facilitated a town hall meeting with Trump earlier this month, showcasing their collaboration.

“I’ll be on the transition committee picking the people who are going to govern… There’s going to be a wide diversity of stakeholders,” Kennedy stated in the interview. He emphasized that Trump is considering input from a broader spectrum of voices beyond the traditional right-wing perspective.

As the political landscape evolves, Kennedy’s insights reveal a potential shift in Trump’s approach, suggesting that he may adopt a more inclusive stance if reelected. This development has sparked interest among supporters and critics alike, making it an essential point of discussion as the election approaches.

Overall, Kennedy’s comments signal a readiness to support Trump’s potential new administration while also maintaining his independent identity in a crowded political field.

Source: Nexstar Media, Inc.