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Richard Simmons, 76, celebrates another day of life after skin cancer battle

Richard Simmons shared his gratitude for life as he celebrated his 76th birthday on Friday. In a rare interview with People magazine, the fitness icon, who retreated from the public eye a decade ago, mentioned that he will celebrate by blowing out a candle, although it might be on a zucchini since he’s vegetarian.

When asked about turning 76, Simmons expressed his joy, saying, “I feel good!” He added, “I am grateful that I’m here, that I am alive for another day. I’ll spend my birthday doing what I do every day, which is to help people.”

Simmons has exciting plans for the coming year. According to his representative, he’s working on his Broadway musical. He has teamed up with renowned producer and composer Patrick Leonard, known for collaborating with music legends like Madonna, Elton John, Bon Jovi, and Michael Jackson.

Simmons’ birthday celebration follows a challenging health period. Despite stepping back from the spotlight, he continues to update his fans on social media. In March, he revealed through Facebook that he had been diagnosed with skin cancer. He detailed the frightening moment he was diagnosed and the subsequent procedure to remove the cancerous cells.

Recalling the diagnosis, Simmons shared, “There was this strange-looking bump under my right eye. I had a tube of Neosporin, which I would put on morning and evening…but it was still there. It was time to call my dermatologist.” His dermatologist performed a biopsy and later confirmed it was Basel Cell Carcinoma. His doctor jokingly reassured him during a grim moment.

Following his dermatologist’s advice, Simmons visited a cancer specialist, Dr. Ralph A. Massey, who performed a procedure to burn and remove the cancer cells. Simmons described the painful process, highlighting the emotional toll it took on him.

During the initial procedure, Dr. Massey worked on removing the cancerous cells, which involved burning Simmons’ skin for about 30 minutes. After an hour and a half, further checks revealed not all cancer cells had been eradicated, leading to another round of treatment. Simmons endured multiple painful procedures before finally receiving the relieving news that no cancerous cells remained.

Following his harrowing experience, Simmons emphasized the importance of health check-ups to his fans. “Promise me you will see your doctor and get a complete check-up,” he urged. His diagnosis announcement came after he had shared a cryptic Facebook message that alarmed many of his followers.

In his message, Simmons spoke philosophically about life’s transience, suggesting that everyone is, in a sense, dying daily. He encouraged his followers to live life to the fullest, cherish their loved ones, and focus on their blessings.

Reflecting on his birthday, Simmons mentioned he would allow himself a rare treat—maybe just one Pepperidge Farm Milano cookie. He continued to share his positive outlook on life and health, reminding his fans to enjoy life and occasionally indulge.

Source: Fox News