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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Frequently Campaigns for Donald Trump

In a surprising turn of events, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has emerged as a prominent supporter of Donald Trump just weeks after abandoning his independent presidential campaign. Kennedy is now a vocal advocate for Trump, encouraging his followers to rally behind the former president, who has even offered Kennedy a role in his potential future administration.

To amplify their visibility, Kennedy is traveling alongside Tulsi Gabbard, a former congresswoman known for her right-leaning stance. Their partnership is generating significant attention, particularly among Trump supporters.

At a recent campaign event in suburban Phoenix, many attendees already identified as Trump backers. Among them was Jacob Cutler, who wore merchandise from Kennedy’s short-lived campaign. Cutler, who is enthusiastic about Kennedy, believes that Trump represents the best chance to thwart Vice President Kamala Harris in the upcoming election.

“If she wins, that would be concerning,” Cutler expressed. “So, I feel the need to support Donald Trump and help him secure victory. It’s really the lesser of two evils for me.”

This unexpected alignment of Kennedy with Trump provides the Republican candidate with a notable endorsement. Kennedy, a member of a prominent Democratic family, adds a layer of bipartisan appeal to Trump’s campaign, potentially attracting a small percentage of Democrats who may be swayed by Kennedy’s influence, especially in crucial battleground states like Arizona.

Trump has already laid the groundwork for a successful return to the White House by targeting voters who harbor distrust toward institutions, such as the government, major corporations, and mainstream media. Kennedy and Gabbard have gained traction among these voters, who often consume information through alternative media channels like podcasts and YouTube.

Both Kennedy and Trump have committed to the slogan “Make America Healthy Again,” a reimagining of Trump’s famous phrase. This new motto reflects Kennedy’s longstanding focus on health issues, particularly his controversial views on vaccines and the rising prevalence of chronic illnesses in the U.S.

During a Trump event, Kennedy addressed criticisms from family members and former friends regarding his support for the former president. He suggested that many who oppose his views might be victims of a “hypnosis” aimed at dividing people.

“Those of us who are awake must safeguard the essential values of this country,” Kennedy told the audience at Arizona Christian University, emphasizing the need for unity despite differences.

Partisan figures, like Kennedy, who switch allegiances can wield considerable influence. Their newfound support is often viewed with reverence by those who once criticized them, leading to opportunities as influential messengers within the political arena.

Henry Slayton, a supporter at the rally, praised Kennedy and Gabbard’s contributions to Trump’s campaign, stating, “It’s a tremendous addition to Trump’s team. They truly care about the American people rather than pursuing their own interests.”

On the other side, Vice President Harris has managed to gather support from unlikely alliances, including a son of the late senator John McCain and various prominent figures from the administration of former President George W. Bush. Remarkably, some progressives have even found themselves endorsing Dick Cheney, elevating the discourse around this election year.

Kennedy, a well-known environmental lawyer and vocal figure against vaccines, began his political journey campaigning for the Democratic nomination before deciding to run as an independent. He accused the Democratic Party of undermining his candidacy.

Similarly, Gabbard is recognized for her willingness to break with her party’s mainstream positions. After serving four terms in the House, she launched her presidential campaign in 2020, blaming the longstanding presence of U.S. military actions overseas for domestic safety issues.

Kennedy has taken a controversial stance regarding U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts, advocating against continued military support for Ukraine, asserting that NATO expansion provoked Russia’s aggression. His remarks align with Trump’s reluctance to affirm the importance of Ukraine’s success in its ongoing conflict.

Kennedy has also praised Trump for disregarding mainstream expert opinions on vaccines, aligning himself with parents who claim vaccine injuries, despite overwhelming evidence favoring vaccine safety and efficacy.

The organization Kennedy represents, Children’s Health Defense, is currently engaged in legal disputes with several news organizations, including accusations of engaging in antitrust activities related to misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccinations.

Source: Associated Press