Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Rock Star & Popular Podcast Co-Host Spotted in Machine Shop Gear

Do you recognize this man?

He is the co-host of the popular podcast “Riggle’s Picks” with Rob Riggle, and the drummer of an American metal glam band out of Los Angeles.

On the podcast, you know him as Darren Leader, but you may also know him as Stix Zadinia, the drummer in Steel Panther.

Darren wore it on a recent episode of Riggle’s Picks featuring Mark Tremonti of Creed.

Machine Shop Gear is everywhere. A friend texted me many years ago that he even saw someone wearing a Machine Shop t-shirt at Heathrow Airport in London.

Not only do fans of The Machine Shop wear the club merch with pride, but so do countless band members and rock stars.

Many bands express their love for the Machine Shop by wearing Machine Shop Gear when performing. You see band members wearing it on stage here in Flint and other venues, in and out of the country.

I have seen it firsthand in the merch booth, bands line up to buy Machine Shop Gear.

Did you know Kid Rock featured a neon Machine Shop sign in his video for ‘Don’t Tell How To Live’ with Monster Truck?

Machine Shop Gear is available to order here, and you can also choose from a larger selection at The Machine Shop during regular business hours.

Thanks to Kevin Zink for creating the best music venue ever, and to Johanna Hoelzle for designing the clothes we all love to wear – Machine Shop Gear.

Source: newsbreak