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Roger Waters Ready to Fund WikiLeaks, Hopes for Assange’s Return

Musician and singer-songwriter Roger Waters has expressed hope that Julian Assange, now free, might resume his work at WikiLeaks if he wishes. Waters also mentioned his willingness to help fund the whistleblower media organization.

The Pink Floyd co-founder, who has long advocated for Assange’s release from a British jail, shared that he exchanged messages of “sighs of relief” with Assange’s wife Stella after arriving in Canberra last week. Waters previously visited Assange in jail alongside Stella and former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.

Assange recently returned to Australia after pleading guilty to violating U.S. espionage laws, concluding a 14-year legal ordeal. Waters noted that Assange is now “somewhere secret” with his family.

“If he could return to WikiLeaks and if it’s in his heart and if that’s what he wants to do, I’m sure he’s got the balls to do it,” Waters said in an interview. “That remains to be seen.” When asked if Assange would be in the right condition to take on such work, Waters responded, “You’d have to ask Julian… but I hope so. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Mainly, I hope… that he’s going to see his boys grow up now and they can talk to their father.”

Stella Assange mentioned that it was still too early to determine what her husband would do next. She emphasized that Julian needs time to recover and adapt to his newfound freedom. Assange has not made any public statements since his release.

According to WikiLeaks, several international media organizations participate as co-publishers, research partners, and funders. The organization, founded by Assange in 2006, operates as a not-for-profit entity funded through public donations.

When asked if he would help fund WikiLeaks, Waters replied, “Of course. I mean, I can’t fund the whole thing. One has a limited war chest… I want them to encourage whistleblowers everywhere to go to them.”

Reuters has contacted WikiLeaks for comment.

Source: Reuters