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Rossif Sutherland Dedicates New Series to Late Father Donald Sutherland

Rossif Sutherland’s upcoming project for Fox, “Murder in a Small Town,” will serve as a tribute to his late father, Donald Sutherland. This new detective drama, drawn from LR Wright’s “Karl Alberg” book series, is more than just an adaptation; it’s a testament to a dream that Donald pursued for three decades.

When Rossif, aged 45, landed the lead role, he had no inkling of his father’s deep connection to the story. Upon sharing his casting news with Donald, he uncovered that his father had been diligently working to bring a movie version to life for over 30 years. During an interview, Rossif recounted the moment he described his character to Donald, emphasizing the detective’s unique approach of leveraging his humanity rather than typical authoritative force. This narrative of a heartfelt detective deeply resonated with Donald.

Rossif shared that once he mentioned the project was “the Alberg series,” Donald’s reaction was one of excited recognition. Donald had been collaborating with producer Nick Orchard and writer Ian Weir in their attempts to adapt the series. Although their efforts spanned many years, they never succeeded in producing the movie.

Ian Weir further added that Donald was passionate about the book series, inspired by Weir’s original film script. Donald had campaigned ardently to portray George, a prime suspect in the first book, “The Suspect.” Despite never getting to play George, Donald’s input was invaluable in shaping the character, according to series producer Jeff Wachtel. Initially, before Donald’s health began to decline, he was set to take on the role.

As time passed and Donald’s health worsened, the role eventually went to James Cromwell. However, there were plans for Donald to make a cameo as a man who meets a grim fate in the premiere episode. Unfortunately, due to health concerns, he could not participate. Donald Sutherland passed away at 88 on June 20 after a long battle with illness.

In the wake of his father’s passing, Rossif proposed dedicating the series to Donald. Given Donald’s profound and personal commitment to the project, it seemed a fitting homage. Rossif noted that his father was thrilled to know that he would be taking on a role in the series and expressed regret that Donald did not live to watch it unfold.

The premiere of “Murder in a Small Town” is scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 24 on Fox.

Source: PEOPLE