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Rumors Suggest Kim Kardashian Is Building a Huge Mansion in Idaho

Would locals flip out if Kim K. moved to Coeur d’Alene? Probably. Not all, of course, but many an Idahoan is already fed up with Hollywood’s growing presence in the Gem State.

Responding to a social media post about the star’s vacation in the stunning lake town last week, locals took to the comments to unpack their thoughts on a Kim K. move to the Gem State. People were quick to point out her grandmother has lived in Lewiston for years, while others claimed Kim’s had a permanent residence here for a while.

But what’s really lighting up the local gossip mill is the theory that Kim is building a lavish, massive mansion on the banks of Lake Coeur d’Alene.

It’s easy to imagine why someone like a fifth-generation Idahoan with a fierce love for their state’s practically untouched beauty and small-town charm would flip out at the idea of Kim Kardashian, business mogul and arguably one of the biggest stars in entertainment, moving to tiny Coeur d’Alene.

Imagine the sudden influx of paparazzi and fans disrupting the peaceful lake town’s way of life. Native or long-time transplant, the overwhelming majority of Idahoans value their privacy and simplicity—a total 180 from Kim’s current life in the spotlight.

Would the 208 be more accepting of Kim building a mansion on Lake Coeur d’Alene if she could keep the media circus at bay? We think so. After all, for many locals, it really isn’t about Kim as a person.

It’s the anxiety and anticipation of their hometown being thrust into the spotlight and transformed into the latest celebrity getaway.

Call us crazy, but Kim could be great for Idaho’s economy. At the same time, having Kim and other superstars put down full-time or even seasonal roots in Idaho could attract more businesses and healthy tourism, meaning more job opportunities and a boost in Coeur d’Alene’s local economy. It could also lead to more local and regional infrastructure investments and community projects.

So, while the idea of Coeur d’Alene becoming a celebrity haven or Kim’s favorite property might unsettle some, we think it’s possible to strike a balance if they leave Idaho how they found it.

Source: Townsquare Media