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Russell Brand Discusses His Challenging Journey with Faith (VIDEO)

Russell Brand recently took to social media to discuss the lessons he has learned since converting to Christianity. “I’ve been a Christian for 3 months, and this is what I’m feeling,” the 49-year-old captioned a video on Instagram Tuesday (July 9). In the video, Brand reflected on what it feels like to be closer to God, yet sometimes not feeling His presence.

“I’ve been a Christian now for three months, and sometimes I find it quite difficult. What I mean by that is I feel like sometimes Christ is far away. I don’t feel the intimate connection with Christ,” the comedian shared in the video.

The Get Him to the Greek star then read from 1 Corinthians 3:1-3, a passage that states, “Brothers and sisters, I could not address you as people who live by the Spirit but as people who are still worldly—mere infants in Christ. I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready. You are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and quarreling among you, are you not worldly? Are you not acting like mere humans?”

Brand continued by sharing a message he heard in church the day before: “Even when I can’t feel God, God is working on me. God is working me into the shape that He needs me to be. What I wanted to ask you today is how do you cope when you feel that you’re not close to Christ? Because surely there’s more to this than just feeling OK. If you want to feel OK, then drink a bunch or take a bunch of drugs or eat a load of candy, for temporarily at least that will offer you some sort of salve or at least distraction,” he said.

In May, the comedian shared an update on his journey with Christianity, noting that he had felt a “change.” “Not that I’ve entirely changed as a person. Of course, I haven’t, but I’ve taken on a lot of new concepts, and it changes you to accept that it’s not like you’re in a game show, and by doing really, really good things, you can get redeemed,” he explained.

“It’s a beautiful journey to go on. I know I’m just at the beginning. I know I’m just learning. I know there’s so much more to learn, and I’m so excited to learn more from you and for us to learn together,” Brand added.

The glitz and glam of fame may appear to be the good life. However, dealing with the trials and tribulations of life all while in the spotlight for the world to see can be a heavy weight to bear. While this is an obstacle all celebrities face, many of our favorite actors, singers, and other celebrities have turned to religion to help cope with the pressure of celebrity and find their inner faith.

Source: Various sources