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Ryan Reynolds Helped Leak ‘Deadpool’ Footage

On July 27, 2014 — nearly a decade ago — some test footage for a Deadpool movie was leaked online. The footage quickly went viral, leaving fans in disbelief. Many were surprised not only that the footage existed but that Fox hadn’t already decided to produce the film, especially since it had been created over a year prior. Following the overwhelmingly positive response, Fox greenlit the movie. It became a massive hit, and the rest is history.

But who leaked the footage?

Ryan Reynolds isn’t giving a direct answer. However, during a Vanity Fair lie-detector test interview, conducted by his Deadpool & Wolverine co-star Hugh Jackman, Reynolds dropped some clues.

Reynolds faced a series of questions about his marriage to Blake Lively, his worst audition, and whether he has shown his family Green Lantern (he hasn’t, though he did rewatch it, while drunk, during the pandemic). Then, Jackman posed the big question:

“Were you behind the leak?”

“Great question. This is a great question. Pass,” Reynolds replied.

After some laughter and an insistence from the lie-detector administrator to answer, Reynolds added carefully, “I might have provided an assist. I was just Scottie Pippin. I was there, doing my job. Someone else gets all the credit.”

The lie detector test confirmed Reynolds’ statements as truthful.

When it was Reynolds’ turn to question Jackman, he poked fun at Jackman’s 2008 win for Sexiest Man Alive. He also got Jackman to admit that the Fox X-Men movies were not as good as the Marvel Cinematic Universe — a statement many fans might agree with.

Deadpool & Wolverine is now in theaters, and over the weekend it had the biggest opening in the history of R-rated movies. You can watch the full lie-detector interview between Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman below.

Every X-Men Movie Ranked From Worst to Best

We ranked every single movie in the Fox (and now Marvel) X-Men film franchise, including all spinoffs and prequels.

Source: Vanity Fair