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Sabrina Carpenter’s Dating History: Including ‘a Cute Boy With a Thick Accent’

Sabrina Carpenter has never shied away from discussing her dating life and boyfriends through her music. The “Espresso” singer has had many prolific relationships with different celebs over the years and now, as one of the biggest names in pop music, there’s heightened interest in her personal life.

She told Cosmopolitan, “When I was younger, the one thing I always thought was, why would I date this person if I didn’t see myself marrying them? I just wouldn’t even put energy into it. But now I have a mentality that there are relationships that are meant to be in your life, even if it’s only for a couple of weeks.”

She’s also very careful about how the internet speculates over her relationships. “I wish more people knew that there’s nuance, as opposed to taking everything on the internet as fact. They know in their own lives that they might be texting someone but not in a relationship,” she said. “But for some reason, it’s very black and white when it comes to the internet and the way that people on the internet are portrayed. I have to laugh at it though, because sometimes I read some funny sh—t, but it almost feels like I’m reading about someone else.”

Source: Particle News, Cosmopolitan