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Sally Field on How Robin Williams Transformed ‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ After Her Dad Died

Robin Williams is known for his captivating performances, outstanding improvisation, and his versatility in various entertainment fields. He earned widespread fame for his roles in comedies such as Mrs. Doubtfire and Aladdin. Sadly, Williams passed away on August 11, 2014, at the age of 63, with his death ruled a suicide.

A decade later, his influence on the film industry and on those he worked with remains significant. Sally Field, who portrayed his on-screen ex-wife in Mrs. Doubtfire, recently spoke about the profound impact Williams had on her life and career.
MRS. DOUBTFIRE, Sally Field, Robin Williams, 1993, TM & Copyright (c) 20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, conducted ahead of the 10th anniversary of Robin Williams’ passing, Field shared her heartfelt reflections on his remarkable generosity and warmth during their time working together. She described Williams as an exceptionally sensitive and intuitive individual who was particularly attuned to her needs and struggles during a challenging period in her life.

The actress recounted Williams’ compassionate nature and unwavering support, highlighting the comfort and strength he provided her. His kindness, according to Field, had a profound impact on both her personal and professional journey.
MRS. DOUBTFIRE, Sally Field, Robin Williams, 1993. TM and Copyright © 20th Century Fox Film Corp. All rights reserved. Courtesy: Everett Collection.

Field recalled her experience on the set of Mrs. Doubtfire, which became particularly striking due to a personal tragedy. During the filming, Field’s father passed away. Although she tried to conceal her grief and continue working, Williams perceptively noticed her distress.
MRS. DOUBTFIRE, Sally Field, Robin Williams, 1993

The 77-year-old explained that even though Williams was known more for his comedic prowess than his compassionate nature, he approached her with genuine concern. He offered her comfort and assistance in her time of need, showcasing his deep empathy and kindness. Understanding the profound importance of family and the difficult situation she faced, Williams arranged for her to leave the set so she could attend to her father’s funeral arrangements.

Source: Vanity Fair, Everett Collection