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Sam Smith Unable to Walk After Skiing Accident: Reveals Shocking Details

Sam Smith recently revealed they were left unable to walk and sustained permanent damage following a ski accident.

In a recent episode of the Sidetracked podcast, the 32-year-old “Latch” singer, who uses they/them pronouns, shared that they tore their ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) and had to be rescued from a ski slope earlier this year.

“I completely ripped my ACL. I was skiing. I was an idiot and went on a black slope on the second day,” Smith recounted during the July 18 episode, speaking with podcast hosts Annie Macmanus and Nick Grimshaw.

Smith continued, “I got taken down in a blood bag. It was the worst. It’s a permanent thing.”

Earlier this year, Smith was spotted by paparazzi walking with a cane and wearing a knee brace. The ACL, a ligament located between the bones, plays a crucial role in helping one jump and spring around. The complete tear left Smith unable to walk or move much.

“It completely ripped and I decided to go down the non-surgical route, but I couldn’t walk for a month on this leg and it was awful,” Smith shared. “It was the first time I’d ever not been able to move, and I was holding onto a bit of weight. I was very anxious. I used it as an excuse to get my s**t together.”

According to the Cleveland Clinic, ACL injuries are incredibly painful and often require surgery to repair the tear. Recovery times can vary but may take up to a year to regain normalcy.

Smith, who has been on a hiatus from making music, used the time off to recover both physically and mentally. This included a digital detox, cleansing their social media, and essentially starting over.

“I actually just got rid of my phone and got a new one. It’s the first time I don’t have my library of music that I’d had since I was like 11,” they shared. “I started again—fully started again. I needed an American number, and my phone was just full of people like exes and all these different people through the years.”

The singer and style enthusiast added, “And I took social media off. Everything. It’s crazy. I find myself sitting on benches now in parks just looking at the trees.”

We wish Sam Smith a speedy and complete recovery.

Source: Cleveland Clinic, Sidetracked Podcast