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Sandra Bullock Jokes Practical Magic Reunion Will Be Good Trouble

Sandra Bullock Jokes Practical Magic Reunion Will Be Good Trouble

Sandra Bullock is eagerly anticipating the return of “Practical Magic” with a sequel in the works. The 59-year-old actress recently reunited with Griffin Dunne, the director of the original 1998 film, at a book party held at the Georgian Hotel. The event, which took place on June 18, celebrated Dunne’s memoir, “The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir.”

During the gathering, Bullock expressed her excitement for the upcoming sequel, humorously stating, “Here comes trouble, but good trouble.” Although it remains unclear if Dunne and the film’s line producer, Mary McLaglen, will be involved in the new project, Bullock had high praise for Dunne’s storytelling skills. She remarked, “You feel like you were always in the back seat experiencing it all with him. He has lived more lives than a cat.”

Bullock further added, “I don’t know anyone who has experienced what he has and can still manage to find the love and humor in even the darkest of places.” The event was also attended by notable celebrities such as Jason Sudeikis, Mandy Moore, Chris Sullivan, John Huertas, Dan Fogleman, Emma Roberts, Michael Keaton, and Melissa Benoist, who came to celebrate Dunne’s new book. Dunne previously shared with PEOPLE that writing the memoir helped him balance “humor and tragedy.”

In an interview with PEOPLE on June 13, Nicole Kidman confirmed that she and Bullock are set to reprise their roles in the upcoming film, which has a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman. Kidman, 56, stated, “Yes, I will be in it. And Sandy will be in it. And that’s that. There’s a lot more to tell which is why we go, ‘OK, this is kind of interesting now to be able to do this. We found a way in.'”

The original “Practical Magic” film, based on the 1995 novel by Alice Hoffman, features Bullock and Kidman as the Owens sisters, a pair of witches who face a family curse that prevents them from ever finding lasting love by killing off the men they’re involved with. The film has since become a beloved cult classic, and fans have eagerly awaited news of a sequel.

While an official release date for the sequel has not been set, Warner Bros. has announced that it is “in development and coming soon.” The anticipation for the film is palpable, with fans excited to see Bullock and Kidman back in their iconic roles.

Bullock’s enthusiasm for the project is evident, and her playful comment about “good trouble” hints at the fun and mischief that fans can expect from the sequel. The reunion of the original cast and crew, along with the involvement of talented new contributors, promises to bring a fresh and exciting chapter to the “Practical Magic” story.

As the project continues to develop, fans can look forward to more updates and details about the film. The return of “Practical Magic” is sure to be a magical experience for both longtime fans and new audiences alike.