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Savannah Chrisley Shares Emotional Message About Parents on Instagram

Savannah Chrisley is expressing her emotions openly on Instagram this week. The reality TV star appears to be feeling a deeper sense of longing for her mother, sharing heartfelt photos and thoughts with her followers. Here’s a closer look at what Savannah had to say about her current situation.

Savannah took to Instagram to post touching images and memories with her mother, Julie Chrisley, who is currently imprisoned. Julie, along with Savannah’s father, Todd Chrisley, has been serving time since 2023 following convictions for bank fraud and tax evasion.

In one particularly emotional post, Savannah shared a playful video of her mother attempting to crack her back. The video was accompanied by a poignant caption: “What I wouldn’t give to hear your laugh and have your hugs 😭💔.”

Another photo displayed her parents together with the caption, “come home 😭.” These posts reveal just how much Savannah is struggling with missing her parents, especially as there is little immediate hope for reunification.

On a more serious note, Savannah provided her fans with an update on her mother’s legal situation. Julie Chrisley is awaiting a hearing for resentencing, after it was determined that the original judge made an error. Julie is slated for release in October 2028. However, a recent ruling denied her request to attend the hearing via Zoom.

Savannah’s Instagram story continued with an explanation of the denial. She expressed her disappointment, pointing out that it is very customary for inmates to attend hearings via Zoom. According to Savannah, because of the ruling, her mother will now have to endure a month-long process of being transported—shackled among some potentially violent male prisoners.

Savannah’s distress was palpable as she conveyed her fears for her mother’s safety. “What does this mean? My mother will be shackled and transported for the next month… plane… bus… etc. with MEN.. some [of] whom are VIOLENT,” Savannah wrote. “I don’t know when I will hear from her next. This punishment does NOT fit the alleged crime.”

Savannah’s posts underline not only her sense of loss but also significant concern over her mother’s well-being during this difficult period.

Source: TV Shows Ace