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Scarlet Witch Fan Theory Hints at Surprising MCU Debut

Marvel’s latest rumor has Elizabeth Olsen possibly returning to the MCU. But, is she reprising her role as Wanda Maximoff in her next appearance? Recent reports from Deadline suggest that the Scarlet Witch actress could be returning in “Vision Quest.” On an eventful day for Marvel news, it was also revealed that James Spader is set to return as Ultron in the series. However, a suspicious tweet and some online investigation propose that Olsen might be portraying a different character this time.

Alex Perez from “My Cosmic Circus” tweeted an image of Virginia Vision in response to Deadline’s report. This development could surprise many MCU fans, but it also makes a lot of sense. “Vision Quest” is expected to draw from several Marvel Comics storylines. One of these is “Children’s Crusade,” where Billy and Tommy, introduced in “WandaVision,” search for the Scarlet Witch. Another is Tom King’s “The Vision.” Olsen’s excellent performance in the Disney+ series skyrocketed her popularity among MCU fans. Turning the family sitcom premise upside down for the final chapter of the Scarlet Witch saga would be thematically significant. While Marvel has not confirmed anything yet, the entire premise is compelling.

In Tom King’s “The Vision,” the Synthezoid creates a family of his own. His wife, Virginia Vision, suffers from some programming errors after a tragic accident and possesses all of Vision’s powers. Olsen has already portrayed a character with a fragile grip on reality. This could be an intriguing twist. Could we even see a final showdown between the Scarlet Witch and herself? As we approach “Vision Quest,” more details will undoubtedly emerge.

When “WandaVision” aired, many fans discovered Tom King’s brilliant run on “The Vision.” During the Disney+ series, the comic creator joined ComicBook’s “Phase Zero” podcast to share his thoughts on “WandaVision.” King noticed how the show referenced his work, but he also acknowledged other comic writers who were given nods during the series.

“I see a lot of Brian Michael Bendis in this show. I think I get too much credit, and he gets too little, to be frank,” said King. “I see a lot of Steve Englehart, a lot of John Byrne, and his ‘West Coast Avengers’ stuff. Clearly, the idea of Vision as this elevated being, which I tried to portray by borrowing from Alan Moore, is the baseline. However, they really mixed in different elements from Bendis, Englehart, and Byrne.”

King continued, “I always refer back to comic book history. Marvel has produced incredible comics, but DC has created dark, tent-pole comics like ‘Watchmen,’ ‘Dark Knight Returns,’ and ‘New Frontier.’ These are literary superhero comics, and Marvel has generally avoided them. My goal was to bring that DC vibe to Marvel. The most popular DC comics, such as ‘Watchmen’ and ‘Dark Knight Returns,’ still inspire movies. I believe when people recognize that kind of energy in Marvel, it will spark more enthusiasm.”

Do you think Olsen will play Wanda or a different character? Share your thoughts and join the discussion on social media!

Source: Deadline, My Cosmic Circus