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Scottish Theatre Cancels Reginald D Hunter Show After Heckling Incident

Reginald D Hunter performing in 2021. Photograph: REX/Shutterstock

A theatre has cancelled a show by comedian Reginald D Hunter following reports of Israeli audience members being heckled during his Edinburgh Fringe performance after they objected to a joke.

East Renfrewshire’s Eastwood Theatre, where Hunter was to perform in September, called off the show due to the “controversial comments.” The region houses Scotland’s largest Jewish community.

The award-winning US comedian commented on the “unfortunate incident” that occurred at Assembly George Square Studios last Sunday. In a statement, he said, “As a comedian, I do push boundaries in creating humor, it’s part of my job. This inevitably creates divided opinions but I am staunchly anti-war and anti-bully. I regret any stress caused to the audience and venue staff members.”

Reports claim two Israeli audience members were booed after protesting a joke in which Hunter compared the Israeli state to an abusive wife.

Allegedly, Hunter joked that an abusive wife complaining about being abused herself was like “being married to Israel.”

Witnesses stated Hunter also joked about the Jewish Chronicle placing a review of his previous show behind a paywall, quipping: “Typical f—— Jews, they won’t tell you anything unless you subscribe.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson confirmed the force was “made aware of a hate incident,” which reportedly occurred at an Edinburgh event on Sunday, clarifying that “All information gathered was fully reviewed and no crime was established.”

A spokesperson for East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure, which oversees Eastwood Theatre, said, “We defend the freedom of expression of artists and understand that our audiences expect to extend some latitude to many acts, including alternative comedy which may be controversial in places.

“However, we have a commitment to our community, and to our values of diversity and inclusion, which we take seriously.”

They assured all ticket purchasers that they would be refunded.

Nicola Livingston from the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities shared on BBC Radio Scotland that “comedians need to be allowed to push boundaries,” but criticized the “goading” of the complainers by Hunter and the audience. She noted, “People in the audience, I understand, were saying things like ‘go home’ and ‘you’re not welcome here’. This starts to change what’s happening because it reflects views leading to trouble across the country; intolerance of people from other countries, ethnicities or religions. We don’t need that intolerance in Scotland.”

Livingston felt Eastwood Theatre’s decision to cancel the show was “probably the right one” but expressed discomfort over the concept of “cancelling.” She remarked that it “turns the story into the cancelling and what gets forgotten is why.”

Hunter’s management has been approached for comment.

Source: The Guardian