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Scottish Toddler Reveals What Makes Him Happy, and We Couldn’t Agree More

TikTok star Baby Sam continues to make millions smile by sharing what makes him happy with the world.

Sam, who is now a toddler, became a star when his family began posting his “Do you know what makes me happy” clips in 2023. The videos are short, sweet, and wholesome, featuring him helping his dad with gardening, dancing, and doing all the things toddlers love doing.

One of Sam’s most recent viral videos shows him asking, “Do you know what makes me happy, Daddy?” in his adorable Scottish accent. When his dad responds with, “What makes you happy, Sam?” the toddler answers, “Chocolate ice cream.”

Of course, Sam’s dad had to buy a box of chocolate-covered ice cream cones after hearing his sweet words.

But it isn’t just his simple, joyful posts that make his followers melt. The toddler is also known for being bilingual, and his parents offer short tips on how to help children advance in speech and linguistics.

According to People, Sam speaks fluent English and Polish. And his baby sister, Alita, is learning both languages. Many of the videos on his TikTok account show Sam practicing his words or sharing common words or phrases in his second language.

Sam’s dad explained that he and his wife were able to teach their kids English and Polish in tandem because his wife is Polish, and she ensured that her children were exposed to both languages equally.

“My wife only talks Polish to him,” he told the publication. “When he gets a little TV we also make sure Polish language is on. Things like that.”

Source: People