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Season 4 of The Boys Ruined a Controversial Gen V Character

“The Boys” Season 4 takes a different approach with Tek Knight. Instead of honing in on his special abilities to detect subtle details, the show zeroes in on his sexual proclivities. Much of the episode takes place in the Tek Cave, where he is seen sexually assaulting Hughie, played by Jack Quaid. While Tek Knight’s fetish was highlighted in “Gen V,” many fans appreciated how “Gen V” portrayed him as a legitimate detective, effectively using his powers in a compelling way.

One detailed breakdown on Reddit elucidates how Tek Knight appears more menacing in “Gen V” compared to “The Boys.” A Redditor commented, “Everyone in the university was on edge with him on campus and he would’ve unraveled everything if the dean didn’t stop him. The close-up shots of him using his powers were some of my favorite parts of the episode, and he was an overall very intriguing antagonist.”

In contrast, on “The Boys,” Tek Knight’s abilities are barely utilized. He only uses his powers to determine that Web-Weaver isn’t actually Web-Weaver by observing Hughie’s subtle finger twitching.

Some fans on Reddit speculate that Tek Knight’s brain tumor could have grown between his appearances on “Gen V” and “The Boys.” This could explain why he is more focused on his sexual compulsions rather than his detective work. However, it’s worth noting that even on “Gen V,” he struggled to control his behavior. While attempting to have sex with a rock might be viewed humorously, his sexual assault of Hughie is far from funny. Fans were particularly upset with “The Boys” showrunner Eric Kripke, who controversially described the scenario as “hilarious.”

Although Tek Knight’s character has complex dimensions, the shift in focus from his detective skills to his sexual compulsions has stirred much debate among fans. Some appreciate his menacing presence and intriguing powers in “Gen V,” while others are distressed by the darker, more troubling aspects portrayed in “The Boys.” This divergence in character development raises important questions about how such figures should be portrayed in a way that balances depth and sensitivity.

Source: Reddit