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Selma Blair’s 13-year-old son nearly towers over her, debuts bleach-blonde buzzcut

Selma Blair and her son Arthur (Instagram)

Selma Blair’s son Arthur looks more like his mother after dyeing his hair the same bleach blonde hue.

The 13-year-old appeared in a rare photo with his actress mom, showing off his new buzzcut after trading his usual dark brown locks for a lighter shade.

It wasn’t just Arthur’s hair that caught attention. He is almost as tall as Selma, who stands at 5’4″.

“Has my son surpassed my 5’4″?” Selma captioned the sweet image she shared on her Instagram Story.

Arthur complemented his edgy new look with black baggy jeans, a matching sleeveless top, and a silver necklace.

Selma shares Arthur with her fashion designer ex, Jason Bleick, with whom she was in a relationship from 2010 to 2012.
Arthur is almost taller than his mom

The former couple maintain an amicable relationship and successfully co-parent Arthur, especially since Selma’s multiple sclerosis diagnosis in 2018.

“Jason is a huge part of Arthur’s life. He’s shown up in a big way,” she previously told People. “I’m really proud of us.”

Selma had a challenging start to motherhood as she began experiencing MS symptoms during labor, admitting she went from a “blissful pregnancy to utter devastation” after giving birth.
Arthur has ditched his longer, dark hair

“The MS flared very obviously, when I was in labor,” she told Glamour magazine in November. “My body started going through distress as bodies can, and, of course, I didn’t know I had it.

“And so, the moment Arthur was born, I went from this kind of blissful pregnancy to utter devastation.”

She added: “Everything was too overwhelming. I couldn’t be in a relationship. There was nothing I could do except be a mother. And I was brutally tired, and I didn’t have a support system. I didn’t know how to set one up.
Selma had a difficult labor with Arthur

“So even though I’m sociable and friendly, I’m alone for everything. And this child automatically became my biggest responsibility, my biggest love, but it was a very, very hard adjustment for me. Very hard.”

To mark Arthur’s eighth birthday in 2019, Selma shared an emotional insight into the day she gave birth.

Posting on Instagram, she wrote: “It was a painful induced labor. He was weeks late according to doctors. I felt fine. The inducing was horrific and no dilation. Full labor with non-dilation for 37 hours. I finally asked for an epidural. I was so at their mercy. And I had to protect him.”
Selma and Arthur are very close

Selma has been transparent about balancing motherhood and her MS diagnosis. Speaking to Us Weekly, she said: “I’m a single mom supporting my kid and want a great life for us. But I know I’m privileged, and others struggle so much more.”

Since receiving her diagnosis and sharing her health journey, Selma said her life has changed for the better.

“Once I knew I had MS – which I’d had for a while – [things] made so much more sense. And I actually became much happier.”
Selma shares Arthur with her ex Jason Bleick

She continued: “I’d had these jerks and spasms for many years, and I’d try to suppress them or keep moving or drink excessive amounts of alcohol to stop big things that I thought were mental.”

“When the world is dark, you have to go and find the beautiful things,” she added. “I’ve been living my best life trying to do just that.”

Source: People, Glamour magazine, Us Weekly