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Sex Scene Partner Says Kevin Costner Is ‘Sensitive’ About On-Screen Intimacy
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Kevin Costner demonstrated his considerate side during an intimate scene in his latest movie, according to his co-star, Abbey Lee.

Abbey Lee, who stars alongside Costner in the new film “Horizon,” shared her experience of filming a steamy scene with the acclaimed actor in an interview with People magazine. She emphasized Costner’s sensitivity and attentiveness during their collaboration.

Lee noted that Costner was well aware of how daunting and awkward sex scenes can be, especially for actors. To ensure her comfort, Costner took the time to have a detailed conversation with her about the scene’s nuances before they began filming.

Importantly, Costner assured her that there would be no nudity involved, which significantly eased her concerns. This comprehensive discussion helped Lee feel more at ease during the shoot.

Despite the thoughtful preparation, Abbey acknowledged that intimate scenes always carry a certain level of discomfort. The presence of the crew, who witness these orchestrated private moments, contributes to the strange and uncomfortable feeling.

Interestingly, the film “Horizon” was released over the past weekend. However, the initial reactions have been quite lukewarm. It garnered only $11 million at the box office and received a 40% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, reflecting a shaky start.

In conclusion, Kevin Costner continues to be a caring and supportive presence for his fellow actors, especially in situations requiring vulnerability and intimacy.

Source: People