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Shannen Doherty’s Sweet Life Lesson from a Snoopy Cartoon

When Shannen Doherty was diagnosed with cancer, a poignant Snoopy cartoon became her daily reminder to live her last days with purpose.

Amy Robach remembered the late actress during her Amy and T.J. podcast this week. While chatting, she shared a conversation she had with Shannen that stuck with her and is especially meaningful today.

“She referenced a Charlie Brown, Snoopy cartoon that she looked at, she said daily, like in the morning to just remind her she knew her time was limited,” Amy said. “All of our time is limited, but she was acutely aware of it, obviously.”

“She said, ‘Charlie Brown says to Snoopy, YOLO, Snoopy. You only live once.’ And Snoopy said, ‘You know, you got it wrong, Charlie Brown. You only die once. We live every day,’ ” Amy continued.

The podcast host went on to say that Shannen chose to live her “last few years” with that motto.

The Charmed star was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2015 and went into remission after two years of treatment. In February 2020, she emotionally revealed that the cancer had returned, and it was stage four. In June 2023, she shared that it had spread to her brain.

Shannen Doherty lost her battle with cancer on July 13, 2024. She was 53.

Source: InspireMore