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She Found Such Talk Stressful

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Kate Middleton already has her late mother-in-law’s sapphire and diamond engagement ring and often wears several pieces from Princess Diana’s jewelry collection to royal engagements. Despite this, the 42-year-old mother of three does not wish to be compared to the late Princess Diana.

According to Robert Jobson’s new book, Catherine, The Princess of Wales: A Biography of the Future Queen, set to release on August 6th in the U.S., the comparisons to Princess Diana have always caused “stress” for Middleton. Jobson notes that she even considered “refusing” the Princess of Wales title due to these comparisons. Princess Diana held this title until her tragic death in August 1997.
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Discussing the issue of being compared to Princess Diana, Jobson wrote, as reported by the Daily Mail: “She knew she’d inevitably be compared with Diana, whose untimely death had provoked such a tsunami of anger and grief. And she was right!”

“Kate found all such talk stressful,” Jobson continued. “Indeed, it got to the point where she felt she might follow Camilla (who opted to become Duchess of Cornwall) in refusing – when the time came – to be known as HRH Princess of Wales.”
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However, despite her initial reservations, Kate Middleton “accepted her promotion with good grace,” Jobson noted, “out of respect for her husband and the King.” He elaborated further on why Middleton ultimately decided to accept the royal title.

“Enough time had passed to make the title more palatable, and Catherine had been on the world stage long enough to be appreciated for her own qualities,” Jobson explained.
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Prince William addressed the comparisons to his late mother during their engagement interview in 2010, clarifying that nobody was expecting his then-fiancée to be the “next Diana.”

“No one is trying to fill my mother’s shoes,” he said. “It’s about carving your own future and your own destiny, and Kate will do a very good job at that.” And indeed, she has.

As Kate Middleton continues to serve in her royal role, she does so with her unique voice and grace, separate from the shadow of Princess Diana but always honoring the legacy she left behind. Her acceptance of the Princess of Wales title, despite initial reservations, showcases her commitment to her family and her role within the royal institution.

Source: Daily Mail