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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

She Has a Great Life and a Wonderful Boyfriend

Jennifer Garner‘s friends have expressed concerns about her being too involved in helping her ex-husband, Ben Affleck, as he goes through personal issues, particularly the end of his marriage to Jennifer Lopez.

According to sources, some of her close friends believe there should be more boundaries. “They don’t want her ensnared in his problems again,” one insider explained.
Jennifer Garner’s pals don’t want her too involved in Ben Affleck’s problems. Mega

Additionally, Garner’s friends are mindful of her relationship with longtime partner John Miller. “She has a good life and a great boyfriend,” another insider noted. “Some friends believe Jen should step back from Ben a bit because it might cause tension with John if she doesn’t.”
Jennifer Garner has been dating John Miller since 2018. Mega

Despite the potential complications, Garner remains supportive of Affleck, especially as he faces uncertainties in his relationship with Lopez. “A lot of people in Ben’s circle are worried he’ll fall apart and relapse — Jen included,” a separate source mentioned. “That’s one of the reasons why she’s keeping close tabs on him. She’s spending time with him, being a good listener. No one wants to see Ben succumb to his old self-destructive habits.”
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner split in 2015 and officially divorced in 2018. Mega

Affleck has been open about his battle with alcoholism over the years. In a 2020 interview, he admitted, “It took me a long time to fundamentally, deeply, without a hint of doubt, admit to myself that I am an alcoholic. The next drink will not be different.”

He elaborated further, “People with