Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

She Tattooed Half Her Face, But Her Skills Make It Unnoticeable

Meet Samira Omar.

The 17-year-old was the victim of a horrific bullying incident.

A group of girls threw boiling water on Samira, leaving her severely burned and covered in scars and discoloration.

All images by CBC News/YouTube

She thought the physical scars would be with her forever—until she met Basma Hameed.

Basma Hameed runs a unique type of tattoo shop. Unlike traditional tattoo artists, Basma is a paramedical tattoo specialist who uses special pigments that match the natural skin color to conceal scars.

Basma assessing Samira’s facial scarring.

Basma explaining the procedure.

Visible scars and discoloration of the skin.

Tattooing the visible scarring on her hand.

With Basma’s help, patients like Samira can see a significant reduction in their scar visibility and discoloration after just a few treatments. She even offers free procedures for patients who can’t afford the treatment, understanding how transformative her work can be for people dealing with painful scars.

Check out the video below to learn more about Basma’s practice and how she became her first patient.

Tattoo Camouflages Scars and Burns

Source: CBC News/YouTube