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Sid Wilson’s Painful, Risky, and Worthwhile First Show After Burns

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Sid Wilson’s first show back with Slipknot, just a week and a half after suffering severe burns, was a mixture of pain and exhilaration. The DJ and keyboardist, who had been bedridden due to the burns, shared that the experience was both painful and scary, but ultimately rewarding.

Wilson’s injuries occurred when a burn pile exploded at his home in Iowa, leaving him with severe burns on his face and arms. Despite the severity of his injuries, he was determined not to let his condition interfere with Slipknot’s tour schedule.

Speaking with TMZ, Wilson explained that his first performance back was physically and mentally taxing. With the support of his partner Kelly Osbourne, who acted as his private nurse, Wilson managed to return to the stage over the weekend.

Sid Wilson in recovery

In addition to the pain and risk of infection, Wilson noted that the new skin growing on his hands is causing his fingers to tighten, necessitating a lot of stretching exercises to maintain their flexibility.

Although his doctors are not pleased with his decision to tour, Wilson emphasized that he is taking every precaution to protect himself. This includes applying twice as much ointment as recommended and changing his bandages more frequently than necessary.

Sid Wilson performing with Slipknot

Despite his injuries, Wilson fully embraced his role on stage. Since he is currently unable to wear black stage makeup, he opted to wear a hood along with his signature mask.

For Wilson, the pain was a small price to pay for the joy of performing. The fans’ reaction to his return made all the hardships worth it.

Source: TMZ, Getty