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‘Sister Wives’: Robyn Criticized for Spending Family Funds

Life is rapidly evolving for the previous plural family, Kody and Robyn Brown, as they make questionable financial decisions. The stars of Sister Wives are under scrutiny for allegedly using family funds to buy ‘tacky’ items. Fans have noticed some intriguing choices that have sparked debate.

As glimpses of Sister Wives Season 19 previews reveal, Kody, Robyn, Meri, Janelle, and Christine Brown are maneuvering through the complexities of plural marriage. However, Kody and Robyn Brown are particularly in the spotlight. Since their move to Flagstaff, AZ, Robyn’s extravagant home has been criticized. With their house now listed for sale, fans are questioning the couple’s spending habits, especially given the luxurious lifestyle they appear to maintain.

On Reddit, fans of the show noted that the Brown family is selling their McMansion. One user observed, “Noticed something telling in the listing pictures…”. They pointed out that most of the belongings showcased in the house are Robyn’s and their children’s, with very few of Kody’s items visible. Further discussions evolved around the decor and objects within the home.

Fans voiced their opinions about Robyn’s spending choices:

  • “You can see Kody’s clothes on the far left in the picture of Robyn’s clothes.”
  • “So basically Robyn has spent the last decade spending the family’s resources on tacky sh*t for herself. She’s the worst thing that happened to all of them.”
  • “If you add the purchase value of the trinkets, it must total tens of thousands, if not low six figures. That could have been spent on college funds, wedding funds, better furniture, or updating the house to sell. So many better ways!”
  • “I’ll have you know those are fine art pieces, appreciating in value as we speak. They are investment geniuses.”

Following the initial post, several Sister Wives fans commented further on Kody and Robyn Brown’s decor taste:

  • “They might have done some things to neutralize the rooms. A lot of real estate agents will advise this, so potential buyers can envision themselves living in the space.”
  • “All that loud purple in the master suite is hideous.”
  • “They didn’t neutralize that Lisa Frank carpet and art.”
  • “Is the purple room supposed to have been Robyn’s or one of her daughter’s? The furniture and decor is so weird it looks AI-generated!”
  • “I know this isn’t the point of this post, but I’m so confused how someone can have taste this bad. I must be more sheltered than I realize because I always find myself shocked by just how ugly Robyn’s decor choices are.”

Viewers observed multiple indicators that Kody and Robyn have been spending freely despite financial challenges. While struggling to pay for Coyote Pass, they seem to be affording many luxuries:

  • “The placement of the furniture and artwork in this house is SO WEIRD.”
  • “They could have taken the trinket money and bought better furniture. That just kills me! If I had 8K I wanted to spend on my house and I had this house, I would not buy a glass phoenix. I would replace that couch. I don’t get the logic here at all.”
  • “How did the ones who didn’t work afford this home?”

Fans are wondering where Kody and Robyn might move next and whether they will ever build on Coyote Pass. As Sister Wives continues to captivate viewers, the new season promises to reveal more about the couple’s financial and personal endeavors.

What are your thoughts about Kody and Robyn Brown selling their mansion? Do you believe they have been frivolously spending on “tacky” items? Where do you think they will move next? Will they build on Coyote Pass? Share your views in the comments.

Source: TVShowsAce