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Slipknot DJ Ignites Himself in Massive Explosion

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Sid Wilson/Instagram

Slipknot DJ and keyboardist Sid Wilson shared with fans via an Instagram video on Friday that he suffered an “explosion in my face,” resulting in serious burns on his face and arms.

Wilson assured viewers, “I’m okay. I’m going to be okay,” explaining that he had been “out working on the farm” trying to start a bonfire. The fire exploded, leading Wilson to remark, “this is why you don’t f— with burn piles.”

Kelly Osbourne, his girlfriend and mother to their one-year-old son Sidney, posted another video from the hospital on Friday. She elaborated, “he literally set himself on fire—exploded everything.”

Burns were visible on Wilson’s cheeks, lips, and face, and his eyebrows appeared singed in places as he shakily moved his phone around. “I’m singed everywhere,” he told the camera. “It still stings a lot.” Parts of his arms and face appeared bright pink from the burns.

Despite the burns, Wilson noted that X-rays showed he did not “inhale any flames,” which spared him from potentially serious lung injuries. “I’m going to be alright, you guys. I don’t care what it takes, I will see you on tour,” he added. Attempting to keep spirits high, he humorously commented, “I’m allergic to fire, apparently.”

Fans expressed their support in the comments section. “We’re all thinking of you, Sid! Stay strong,” one fan wrote.

Later that night, Wilson posted another video while being taken to another hospital, once again reassuring fans: “I am okay… I am a trooper, trooper, not exactly, but I am hanging in there pretty good.” He joked about the incident, saying, “My lips got f—ed up pretty good. It’s cheap Botox.”

Source: The Daily Beast