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Snowpiercer’s Final Season Unveils Wilford Despite Slow Pacing

Snowpiercer’s fourth and final season has struggled to get its pacing right. Without the show’s foundational storyline of fighting for control of the engine, this last set of episodes seems to be in search of a purpose. The focus now is on Layton’s daughter, Liana, serving as a desperate attempt to maintain an emotional core in a series that has always been about survival.

Although viewers may yearn for Layton to reunite with his daughter, hinted at in the episode “The Engineer,” the season’s other major plotline follows a military villain aiming to make Earth livable again by raising its temperature.

“The Engineer” brings most of the main cast together in one room, with the notable absence of Melanie, who is away collecting data. Wilford’s dramatic return adds a layer of intrigue, raising questions about his role with the military group and his relationships with both Snowpiercer and New Eden.

It comes as no surprise that Layton is shocked by Wilford’s return. The show takes the time to explain that Wilford was found and integrated into the group to assist with the scientific efforts to warm the planet.

With Melanie absent, Alex is left to interact with Wilford, a relationship that is as complex as it is essential for advancing the military science storyline. Meanwhile, other characters seem to be in a state of limbo.

In the episode’s climax, Ben, Till, and Ruth take drastic steps to ensure Big Alice is disconnected from Snowpiercer, prioritizing the survival of those in New Eden. Tragically, not everyone survives this mission.

Ben, always a crucial figure for Melanie and a protector of the passengers, sacrifices himself to disconnect the trains. He ventures out into the freezing environment and seemingly freezes to death within minutes.

Till watches Ben’s sacrifice with devastation, marking one of the more emotional moments of the episode. This act might be the catalyst that pushes the remaining characters to ensure Ben’s death was not for nothing.

“The Engineer” concludes with Alex, Layton, Wilford, and Josie still at the compound. This setting offers Alex a chance to understand the feasibility of warming Earth and how Melanie and Wilford fit into the larger scheme, while Layton hopes to reunite with Liana.

The revelation that Wilford orchestrated the kidnapping of Layton’s daughter to draw everyone together provides further insight into his cunning mind and deep understanding of his adversaries.

As Snowpiercer continues into its next set of episodes, the series must begin to consolidate its various storylines. With the finale approaching, it’s time for the show to fully lay out its plans and propel the narrative forward.

Source: Various