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Somber Conclusion to a Heartbreaking Tale

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. made a significant appearance alongside Donald Trump in Arizona, shortly after he suspended his independent campaign and endorsed the former Republican president. The event took place in Glendale, where Kennedy received an enthusiastic reception from a large crowd, complete with fireworks and music from the Foo Fighters.

During the rally, Trump praised Kennedy for his ability to unite people across the political spectrum, highlighting the legacy of his father, Robert F. Kennedy, and uncle, John F. Kennedy. Trump also announced plans to establish a commission aimed at investigating presidential assassinations, pledging to disclose any classified information associated with the JFK assassination.

The crowd erupted with chants of “Bobby! Bobby!” as Kennedy took the stage. He acknowledged differences in opinions with Trump but expressed his support, believing the former president would address critical issues concerning health and foreign policy.

Kennedy addressed the audience, emphasizing his concerns about the health of American children. “Our children are the unhealthiest, sickest in the world. Don’t you want healthy children? Don’t you want the chemicals out of our food?” he asked. He mentioned that Trump shared his desire to improve public health and eliminate harmful chemicals.

Continuing, Kennedy noted that Trump wanted to lessen the influence of neoconservative policies on U.S. foreign policy, particularly expressing opposition to costly foreign wars. “He said he didn’t want any more $200bn wars in Ukraine that we could use that money back here in the United States,” Kennedy stated.

The endorsement, however, was not well received by many in the Kennedy family. A statement released by family members labeled the endorsement as a “betrayal,” expressing disappointment in what they viewed as a departure from their shared values.

The statement expressed a vision for America rooted in hope, individual freedom, and economic opportunity, implying that Kennedy’s partnership with Trump was a “sad ending to a sad story.” Jack Schlossberg, grandson of John F. Kennedy, criticized RFK Jr. on social media, accusing him of being “for sale” and siding with Trump.

“Kamala Harris is for the people — the easiest decision of all time just got easier,” he added, illustrating his disapproval of Kennedy’s alignment with Trump.

Amidst Kennedy’s endorsement, Trump returned to familiar themes from past campaigns, deriding the “fake news” media, reiterating his belief that he won the 2020 election, and taking jabs at former President Barack Obama, referring to him by his full name.

Throughout his speech, Trump appealed directly to Kennedy’s supporters, urging them to join his campaign. He asserted that their involvement could significantly impact the election. “Bobby and I will fight together to defeat the corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to the people,” stated Trump.

Despite the endorsement from Kennedy, Trump voiced dissatisfaction with the current state of the race, lamenting that he was faced with challenges from Kamala Harris rather than Joe Biden.

Trump accused the Democrats of executing an “unconstitutional coup” to elevate Harris, remarking, “She’s the only person ever to get a nomination of the party without getting one vote.” He further speculated that maybe Harris was more cunning than perceived.

In his speech, Trump also made alarming claims regarding Harris, alleging that she was responsible for the loss of thousands of migrant children who fell victim to trafficking. “She allowed them to be trafficked into our country,” he claimed, adding that many ended up dead or in dire situations.

These claims refer to a recent Department of Homeland Security Inspector General report, which stated that, between 2019 and 2023, ICE could not account for the locations of 32,000 unaccompanied minors released in the U.S. after immigration detention. Nevertheless, this period included two years of Trump’s presidency, and ICE has contested the report’s accuracy.

Trump didn’t stop there; he also accused Harris of supporting excessive entitlement programs costing over $250 billion, suggesting that her policies would lead to illegal immigrants receiving Social Security and Medicare. While this claim has been a recurring theme in Trump’s rhetoric, it has been clarified that the figure refers to the Biden administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, which aims to reduce government spending without cutting benefits, a proposal endorsed by many health experts.

Source: various news reports