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Son Discovers Old Cell Phone Under Stairs in Mother’s Home

Sometimes, homeowners are taken aback by some of the hidden items they find in their houses after moving in. One Mom and TikToker, @domeafavorstl, had her own surprising discovery when her son found an old slide-up cell phone under the carpet on their staircase. She shared the find with her followers on TikTok, capturing the moment and the ensuing curiosity it sparked.

“This had to belong to the previous owners of our home,” she explained in her post, noting, “We have lived here 10 years.”

She starts the video by looking into the camera, saying, “Wait until you see what my 9-year-old just found wedged underneath our carpet … let me show you what I mean.” She then pans the camera to show a side view of the staircase in question.

The staircase has a carpet runner with a bit of the carpet sticking out just enough to hide something within. As the video unfolds, the mom explains that her son, out of curiosity, noticed the carpet wasn’t perfectly fitted and saw something inside.

Reaching into the carpet, she pulls out an old LG slider phone. The video then cuts to her showing the phone to her son, emphasizing to him that it’s not an iPhone, despite his humorous insistence, “Yes, it is, it’s an iPhone 15 from 1997.” With a chuckle, she corrects him, saying, “It’s from the 1900s probably… we’ve only lived here 10 years, so um, who has a charging cord for this?”

The discovery elicited various reactions from TikTok users. One user expressed surprise that she didn’t have a box of multiple charging cords: “You don’t have a random box of charging cords?” This sentiment echoed the experiences of many who keep old tech accessories just in case.

Another user found humor in the son’s commentary, quoting, “‘It’s an iPhone 15 from 1997’ omg I’m dying 😭🤣.” Others speculated about the mysterious contents of the phone. “The hidden phone! Oh no, the pics that could be on it,” one commented.

Some recognized the old device as an LG Shine, made famous through a commercial featuring Lauren Conrad of Laguna Beach fame. The phone’s old school design evoked nostalgia for the era of branded mobile phones, each with unique features and individual carrier logos.

Curiosity got the better of the TikToker as she explored further, heading to her attic and opening an old plastic bin filled with various outdated electronics, including an old iHome iPod/iPhone docking station. Despite having several cables at her disposal, she wasn’t sure if the phone’s battery was still working, leaving viewers in suspense as to whether the phone would power up.

In a follow-up video, she confirmed that the phone indeed did not have a battery and asked viewers if anyone had a battery and charging cable they could send her, so she could try to get the phone working. As of now, there have been no further updates on what’s inside the old LG phone.

The discovery left many speculating: What could be lurking within the old LG phone? And why was it hidden inside the carpet on the stairs? Only time – and perhaps a little investigative help – will tell.

Source: Distractify