Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Starting a New Chapter at the Story Unfinished Event

Everything changed for Christina Smith on August 21, 2023, when her 20-year-old son, Nathaniel Gage Cutler, ended his own life.

“The pain that I feel from losing that child is unbearable,” Smith expressed. “It’s excruciating, and it’s not something that I would wish on anyone. One of the last things he wrote was, ‘I want to help people. Who have I helped?’”

Reading this note ignited a spark in Smith, highlighting how unaware Cutler was of the many lives he had touched. In the months following his death, Smith channeled that spark into organizing the Story Unfinished event to continue telling Cutler’s story.

“His story is not over,” Smith emphasized. “Even though he has gone on, his story is not finished.”

The Story Unfinished event initially began as a walk around the Estill County courthouse. However, with significant community interest, it evolved into something much larger.

“People were so willing to donate their time and resources that the little walk I envisioned, hoping to reach a few people, just exploded,” Smith shared.

Now, the Story Unfinished will be held at the Estill County Fairgrounds. Through this event, Smith aims to fulfill Cutler’s wish of helping others. Smith believes that sharing Cutler’s story can encourage those struggling with mental health to open up and speak out, and educate friends and family on recognizing red flags and offering support to those affected by suicide.

The ultimate goal of the Story Unfinished event is to save lives. Smith has already witnessed how Cutler’s story has positively influenced and potentially saved lives.

“After Gage passed, I had tendencies to want to die too because the pain was so unreal,” Smith revealed. “I’ve used the 988 hotline. When someone passes, you are left with this isolation, and you just feel so alone.”

The overwhelming community support to continue telling Cutler’s story made a significant difference for Smith.

“Seeing people step forward and realizing how many are touched by this issue showed me that I was cared for and loved. Even my son, whom they might not have known, they loved. This support has carried me through the last seven months.”

The event, Story Unfinished, will take place at the Estill County Fairgrounds on August 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. This time of play, positivity, and empowerment will feature prizes, inflatables, and food trucks.

There will also be story beads and a butterfly release, offering a space for those impacted by mental health issues and suicide to share and remember.

For more information, you can reach out to Smith at (606) 481-6627.

Source: source names