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States Deny RFK Jr.’s Requests to Withdraw from Ballots to Aid Trump
Robert F. Kennedy endorsed Donald Trump after suspending his presidential campaign.

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his presidential campaign to help Donald Trump win.
  • But Michigan, Wisconsin, and Colorado denied his requests to be removed from the ballot.
  • The status of his request in North Carolina, a key swing state, is still unclear.

Last week, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced that he was suspending his presidential campaign in an effort to support former President Donald Trump. However, complications have arisen that may hinder this plan.

During the announcement of his decision, Kennedy expressed his intention to withdraw his name from the ballots in approximately ten swing states. He cited polling data that suggested staying on the ballot could inadvertently assist Democrats in capturing key elections, particularly issues he strongly opposes.

Despite his efforts, at least three states have rejected Kennedy’s requests for removal. In Michigan, officials stated it was too late for him to withdraw as the nominee of the Natural Law Party. Kennedy had gained a spot on the ballot by convincing the party to endorse him, adding some complexity to his withdrawal attempts.

Cheri Hardmon, a spokesperson for the Michigan secretary of state, noted in a statement to local news that “minor party candidates cannot withdraw” at this point. Consequently, his name will remain on the ballot for the upcoming election.

In Wisconsin, another critical swing state, Kennedy faced similar setbacks. The Wisconsin Elections Commission voted against his request to be removed from the ballot, referencing a state law that stipulates once a candidate has filed nomination papers and qualified for the ballot, they cannot decline their nomination.

Colorado also denied Kennedy’s request, which, while less competitive for Trump compared to Michigan or Wisconsin, emphasized the challenges Kennedy is facing in his attempt to remove himself from the election landscape.

Kennedy’s campaign has not publicly commented on these developments. However, he has successfully managed to withdraw his name from the ballots in other essential swing states, including Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Additionally, he has been removed from the ballots in Florida, Ohio, and Texas.

The situation in North Carolina remains ambiguous. Election officials in the state mentioned that Kennedy’s name has already been printed on some ballots, which complicates his removal efforts there.

Despite the obstacles faced in some states, he continues to rally his supporters and encourages them to participate in the election. Although the road ahead appears littered with complications, Kennedy has shifted his role to that of a Trump ally while attempting to navigate these political waters.

As the election approaches, the implications of his presence on ballots could potentially influence the outcome in these crucial states, making his decisions and actions a focal point in the 2024 presidential race.

Source: Business Insider