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Stay-at-Home Boyfriend’s 3 a.m. Gaming Routine Sparks Controversy

TikTok | @aleeanddavidd

A stay-at-home boyfriend has sparked debate on TikTok after sharing a video documenting his typical day while his girlfriend is at work. The couple, Alee & David, frequently upload content about their home life to their TikTok account, @aleeanddavidd. Some viewers disapprove of their dynamic, while others are supportive.

The video begins with David playing video games outside late at night. He mentions, “I usually stay up until 3 a.m. playing the game, and then I go to bed.” After gaming, he heads to the bedroom to join his girlfriend.

David explains that his girlfriend wakes up around 5 a.m. and leaves for work at 6 a.m. The video shows her getting ready and saying goodbye before David goes back to sleep. Exterior cameras capture her leaving for work and returning home later.

David narrates, “She comes back around 10 a.m. for her lunch. Today, she brought me McDonald’s for breakfast, so I wasn’t complaining.” They share a kiss in the kitchen before she heads back to work. David wishes her a good day and stretches before starting his day.

After breakfast, David resumes playing video games outside. A small dog runs around as he plays. He remembers that his girlfriend asked him to sweep the patio before she comes home. A timelapse video shows him tidying up and taking their dog for a walk.

When he returns, he relaxes and watches TV. The next clip shows his girlfriend coming home with two trash bins. She has a surprise for him: a Red Bull. “So you can stay up all night playing your game,” she tells him as they kiss.

“I cleaned the patio,” David informs her. She is impressed and tells him it looks good. David then asks if they can order a pizza. They enjoy a Domino’s pepperoni and bacon pie together as they watch TV on the couch.

Other clips show their relationship dynamic and communication via their home surveillance system. In one instance, when she needed a change of scrubs, he stops an online match to bring them to her. Another video captures him falling asleep on the patio after gaming late into the night.

The couple met in high school and both describe themselves as introverts, suggesting that their lifestyle suits them. They often document moments like running with their dog late at night, where Alee is seen smiling.

Alee once mentioned living out of her car and telling David that he needed to work so they could afford a place to live. A year later, they got a place and installed cameras to record their daily lives, monetizing their content on TikTok.

Response to their videos is mixed. Some TikTok users think David could be more productive, while others believe that if their dynamic works, there’s no reason to change it.

What do you think?

Source: Newshub