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Stormy Daniels Shares Miscarriage Experience Following Trump Indictment

Stormy Daniels shared in a recent interview that the fallout from Donald Trump’s hush-money scandal has had a severe impact on her health, revealing she suffered a miscarriage and ongoing health issues after Trump was indicted last March.

In an episode of the Daily Mail’s podcast “Everything I Know About Me” aired Thursday, Daniels detailed the emotional and physical toll she endured since reports emerged in 2018 about her alleged affair with Trump and attempts to buy her silence ahead of the 2016 election.

Initially, she faced “frivolous” threats, but these escalated into more serious harassment last year following Trump’s indictment related to the hush-money scheme. “When the indictment happened last year, not only did I have a miscarriage, but I haven’t had a period since,” she explained. “It has physically destroyed me.”

Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, thought she had moved past the scandal until the charges in 2023 brought chaos back into her life. “I’d kind of forgotten all of this stuff was going on; it had finally gotten quiet, you know,” she said. “I got married, I got back to directing, I’d returned to the adult industry, everything was kind of getting back to normal.”

“And of course, here comes Donald Trump to mess things up again,” Daniels remarked, adding, “Although this time he got a little more messed up than I did.”

At the end of May, Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts for the hush-money scheme.

Following the initial indictment, Daniels said the backlash made her fear for her and her family’s safety. “This time around, it was maybe fewer threats, but they were darker, they were real. They were like, doing the due diligence to find out where I live,” she recounted.

“Sending me [an] address or a picture of my house; telling me they were going to rape and murder me; they were going to tie my daughter up in graphic detail and make her watch them rape me.”

In an interview with Rachel Maddow earlier this month, Daniels expressed concern that the harassment may intensify if Trump returns to office. “I think he will try to make even more of an example out of me,” she told Maddow, adding that Trump’s followers might believe “if they do something, then he’ll pardon them.”

Source: HuffPost