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Strangers Fund 10-Year-Old’s Taylor Swift Tour After Chemo

Ten-year-old Kennedy Coke is a major Swiftie. “All we do is talk about Taylor Swift,” her mom shares. Kennedy, like many young girls, adores Taylor Swift, but her life has had more than its fair share of challenges. At just two years old, she was diagnosed with a rare form of lung cancer. Unfortunately, she’s been dealing with cancer ever since, going in and out of remission.

Recently, the family received distressing news. Due to a genetic mutation, Kennedy now has an aggressive form of uterine cancer. This unexpected diagnosis led to her undergoing a hysterectomy and starting twelve weeks of chemotherapy. Her mom shared their difficult health journey on TikTok, expressing how much Kennedy dreams of seeing Taylor Swift in concert. It was a heartfelt plea for any assistance in making that dream come true.

Coincidentally, Swift’s Eras Tour is set to return to the United States when Kennedy completes her chemotherapy this fall. Hoping to make her daughter’s dream a reality, Kennedy’s mom started a GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to see Swift perform at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis this November.

Their story touched many hearts. To date, the fundraiser has amassed $16K in donations from kind-hearted strangers. The moment Kennedy’s mom shared this exciting update with her was captured on camera and is truly touching.

Thanks to the generosity of strangers, Kennedy and her parents will be able to fly to Indianapolis, stay in a hotel, and witness Taylor Swift live in concert. This incredible support has brought immense joy and something to look forward to amidst their difficult times.

The outpouring of support has highlighted the kindness and compassion of people near and far, all united in helping make a young girl’s dream come true.

Source: Your Tango